important Question about seeds and suggestion for gix :)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by noiwk1991, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. noiwk1991

    noiwk1991 Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    hey, after making my set with seeds.
    i come to believe there is some problem with having too many of the same seeds?
    at least with some seeds. i can point on spi seed. currently i have total of 6 spi seeds +5.
    it means 180% spi total means sd. i wanted to know if theres a max spi we can or should have on our sets because with 6 it definitely seems to be bugged and not working well.
    i wanted to know if there is limit of spi or any other seed.
    and i want someone better be gix to explain exactly how the spi and block rate seeds are working in our server . as they seems to work diffrently in each server.
    and the limit of each seems to be differennt.
    about block seeds i wanted to know if they work on pvp or if they are just dsr seeds as exe dsr.

    the suggestion for gix is.
    i think many of us players would really want to know better of how some things works in our server and which things are bugged .
    and know better the real effect of seeds on our server.
    so my suggestion for you gix and also an request. please write some mini guide that explain the important things. about options.
    and seeds and write about the bugs coming along wih the seeds. aka the spi bug.
    :) and how to avoid those bugs. thank you.
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    No idea why you're saying they work differently in each server but this is not true. They do work as default on pretty much most servers. If you are reffering to a difference between a 1x-10x and 100x-1000x server then yes.

    After checking your previous thread , it's pretty obvious you played on a server with some totally lame settings or it was bugged as hell because these things are not really different on other servers. More than 99% use the default setting of seed spheres because thats how MU works and that is the purpose of these options.

    Next, how about writing the full seed sphere option name so we can all understand what are you talking about. Don't use short names because "spi" isn't even a relevant name in MU. Supposing spi means speed shere for you but still the short name has no sense.

    The suggestion for you would be to read some MU guides. We have them on our forum or you can find them here: Todo Sobre las Opciones Socket . Most of the guides from those website are available for our server too (remember that it's most and not all of them since those are drops for 1x official server and not for an 100x one).

    If you are indeed referring to the speed option, then I don't know why you took the "%" value, because that option has a numeric value and it's not counted as percent. Also on a 32000 stats server you will never notice such difference.

    MU has been created for 1x so couple of the ingame options are non-important on a max stats server such as few skill tree skills and few items options. (example pink option items without exec would be useless on a max stats server while on non-rr servers the item is non-exec + pink option).
  3. noiwk1991

    noiwk1991 Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    no by spi i meant shield protection incrase. which it seems to incrase the sd bar by 30% when its lvl 5.

    so i meant about the Shield Protection Incrase seed. and the Block Rate incrase seed.
    and how they work. as for how the work. its not true they do work differently in each server.
    for example i've played a server where block rate seed actually work in pvp. and in some servers its just represent defense rate which only works on mobs.
    as for the shield protection seed. the sd one. in some servers you can have 6 of them and have no bugs with sd. and it will work perfectly fine. and in some servers if you have more than 3 lvl which is +90% sd it
    will bug your sd and wont work properly. so those two main questions. if block rate seed works in pvp and how? and if having too many shield protection seeds cause bugs on sd bar and how to avoid them.
    also what shield protection seed does exactly. and.,.... i've read guides. as many as you can imagine but like i said everyone say smething different which is why i point my questions to you. as admin i believe you know better.
    so please just answer these questions . thanks ^^

    Edit. thank you for replaying :)
  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Seems the issue was caused because of adding CMD stats when you are a BK.

    I have removed the CMD stats and should be fine now
  5. noiwk1991

    noiwk1991 Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    yeah i've seen thank you. yes indeed the problem was caused because of adding command by mistake.
    it seems now to just have visual bug. but seems like spi works fine now.
    from what i see tho its simply gives 30% sd nothing more nothing less.

    thank you gix ! :) ^^ but could you please tell us if block rate seeds work in pvp ? or is is just defence rate on PVE aginst mobs? ^^
    thanks again ^^
  6. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    It's available for PvM according to GMO official server.
    It's the same as DSR option from excellent items and that is PvM only as well. They were created like that so it's not a bug.

    PVP seeds (Reflect + Life 4% + SPI 7%) or ( Damage Decrease + Reflect + Life 4%) or ( Reflect + Life 4% + Health +30) is recommended.

    PVM seeds (DSR 10% + damage decrease 4% + life 4% or health +30) is recommended.

    For Semi PVP and PVM my favorite seed for the set is (DSR 10% + DD 4% + Reflect 5%)

    I'll make a security system so the users won't be able to add CMD unless they are DL and I'm going to trigger a query to clear all wrong CMD stats for non-DL characters.
    Elther likes this.
  7. noiwk1991

    noiwk1991 Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    thank you very much gix for explaining this :).
    and Umm there shouldnt be a problem with a set of 9%ref+8%dd +30% spi +8% hp right?
    cause i see you repeatdly said 4% and 7% .
    as for the earth 30 hp seed its no much different in 32k server but it has bonus socket option of you have at least 1 or two in set . maybe its worth replacing 2 spi seeds for earth for bonus :)
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