How to post ScreenShots at forum.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Wea, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. Wea

    Wea Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    How To
    Post a Screen shot

    Step 1. Get what you want your picture to show on your screen, then press the "prt scr" (print screen abbreviation may vary but the button is to the right of the "f-12" key most of the time).

    Step 2. Open some form of "Microsoft Paint" (i do not know the other brand names of it)

    Step 3. Go to "Edit" then under that "paste"

    Step 4. You may now modify the picture using any of the tools on the toolbar to the left of the screen.

    Step 5. When you have your picture how you desire it, Click on the dotted rectangular box (select) or the dotted star (free form select), then outline whatever your picture is and go to "Edit" and under that, "Copy"

    Step 6. Open another window of Microsoft Paint

    Step 7. Go to "Image" and under that "Attributes", there should be 2 numbers here that are the "Width" and the "Height"

    Step 8. Make the numbers for "Width" and "Height" very small numbers (1 for example).

    Step 9. Go to "Edit" then under that "Paste"

    Step 10. Now you have your finished product, Go to "File" then under that "Save As", save it wherever on your hardrive you want, but be sure you save it as a "JPEG" file, and your next question will no doubt be, "How do I get the picture on this website?"

    Step 11. Open an internet browsing window, go to "" and search "free image hoster" you should now have a huge list of image hosters before you, pick any one you like, I myself use "Photobucket"

    Step 12. On this page somewhere there should be a button that says "Browse", click this and go to the file you saved your picture in.

    Step 13. After you have selected this file, click on the button that says "Host" or some variation of that, if you have done everything right, you should have a list of seemingly meaningless numbers and letters.

    Step 14. Click on the beginning of the one that starts with "" and drag to the end of it so that it is highlighted.

    Step 15. Hold down the "Ctrl" burron below shift on either side of the keyboard and press the "C" Key.

    Step 16. Go onto the website and post a new topic

    Step 17. Go into the place where the body of your paragraph should be, and click so the line that shows you where you are typing appears.

    Step 18. Hold down the "Ctrl" button again and press the "V" Key.

    Step 19. Then the link should be in the signature box

    Step 20. Go to the bottom of the screen and press "Submit", congrats everyone can now see your picture.

    (Optional) Step 21. If you wish to make this picture your signature, go to "User CP" at the top of the forums

    (Optional) Step 22. Then click on "Edit Signature"

    (Optional) Step 23. Scroll down on this page until you get to a open space that is to the right of a block that says "Signature (Optional)" and click in this open space.

    (Optional) Step 24. Hold down the "Ctrl" button and press the "V" key

    (Optional) Step 25. Hit "Save Signature"

    (Optional) Step 36. That's it! Your signature will now appear below all your posts![/B]
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