Hi all I have problem wiht Disconnect message everytime drop m this message i reinstall again same can help me some anyone ? Tnx.... Im sure for My internet connect its ok
When i use power slash skill i get D.C but not from my internet from svr My internet working fine I canel all 380 lvls items and rings but agian make me can you see that i download and you had some pacht for message disconnect same is Help me plzz Tnx
its probably lag from powerslash...it happened to me early on back in GMO...powerslash on a computer that isn't strong enough, will lag horribly with powerslash and give d/c
Fireburst / Powerslash and Nova are known to d/c people, not much you can do about it. Try turning the effects down.
This has nothing to do with GMO and these skills are not causing any dc You are getting disconnected from 380 lvl items, rings, pendants. Wear them only when you get on the required level
He said he removed all of these items, I said nothing about GMO. Those skills cause computer lag which makes the player time out.