[GUIDE] How to properly report a KS situation

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Darek, Feb 25, 2012.

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  1. Darek

    Darek Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Hello everyone and welcome to our Guide on how to properly report a KS situation.

    First of I would like to mention a few helpful details:

    • When making a SS always stop attacking

    • Press PrintScreen 2 times when making SS in order to have time displayed at least on one of the screens

    • The time interval between the screen with you alone on spot and the first screen with the KS`er can't be more than 2 hours (if 2 hours pass and nobody came to KS, then make another screen with you alone on spot)

    • Keep your mouse cursor on the KS`er when you make the screenshot

    • The proper affirmation that should be used when you make a screen is "NickName party or no ks"

    • You should ask for party. IF he refuses to party, you can make an ss when he denies your party

    • G button must be Pressed at all times

    • Remember, the time interval between the KS screens must be at least 3 minutes

    • And last, but not least, check your screens for all the required details before posting them

    Now, me and JimmyCool made a report to show you just how it should be done. Please pay attention and take notes.

    First screen with me alone on spot


    Second screen with JimmyCool KS`ing


    Third screen whit JimmyCool denying party


    Fourth screen with KS after respecting the time interval


    Hope this gives you a clear image on how to report.

    Note: Thanks to JimmyCool for helping with making this GUIDE

    Best regards,
    DiabloMu Staff
    Xulescu, Sunrise, catakills and 13 others like this.
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