Good news concerning items refund

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Gix, Jun 5, 2011.

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  1. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Dear DiabloMU Players,

    As you may noticed, no refunds were made yet and thats because some personal problems i'm having at the moment and because of the discussions with our staff and players about a finaly and good decision concerning items refund.

    Since we splited items as default and as they should be so everything would be 100% ballanced there are 3 major separate options on the server: excellent, ancient (including new ancient sets Vicious, etc), socketed and ofc the additional ones such as Pink Options, Harmony. There won't be any combinations between the 3 major options and this is a default setting of muonline. If you ever thinked exec+socketed is a normal option then you are wrong ... this was added by private servers and it's a total mistake to do that since having a set exec+socket will mean total overpower.
    The best of these 3 major options is ofc the socketed one since there are 5 different spheres which give different trumendous options such as increase critical damage, excellent damage, hp recovery, wizardtry damage, attack, increase defensibility and adding a sphere to a socketed item has a 100% success rate and you may combine the options as many times as you want.

    Since items available on server can drop up to 3 excellent/socketed options (ancient is not included here since they got their default number of options) including luck and additional damage, donating for items will simply get you over the stress of making them +15 and will also bring you some new options but only 1 really matters since mana increase and zen increase are only pvm options and won't help you into pvp (duels, guildwars, siege, etc).

    While you may choose options you want to use during pvp, there is a total ballance between donators and non-donators since it depends on the player skill a lot. So even if you got a donated gear, you may loose into pvp even with someone that has no set if that player is better skilled in fights than you.

    So all items will be refunded as normal and you will received what you payed for. Remember the maximum upgrade of season 6 is up to +15 while your items will be refunded as you received them from the first time, meaning +13.

    Concerning those who donated for ancient+excellent sets, unfortunately we won't bring back those custom sets since they were overpowered and we don't want to do that because it will ruin the fun of pvp, but due to a good suggestion from a player i've taken a decision which will be more than satisfied for you. Everyone that donated for an ancient+excellent set will be able to choose any set they'll want and as an addition from us, we will turn that set into +15 instead of +13 as you received in the moment you donated for.

    Steps that you must complete in order to receive your refund:

    Send an email to [email protected] containing the following

    E-Mail Subject: ITEMS REFUND
    E-Mail Content:

    Old Account Name:
    Old Character Name:

    New Account Name:
    New Character Name:

    Payment Proof: PayPal Transaction, Order ID Number, Wire Bank Payee Name, etc

    Donated Items: Specify all items for a faster db search from our side

    Make sure you got an empty vault (vault0 only) or atleast 2-3 empty inventory characters. Remember you can get up to 5 more vaults by becoming a VIP user

    Please allow up to 5-7 days for your refund to be completed. It usually happens faster but for old, complicated or really big donations it may take a bit more.

    Wasabi, Anthoney12, BIiZzArDK and 2 others like this.
  2. Anthoney12

    Anthoney12 The Childish One Supporter

    Sep 16, 2008
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    How Comes You Have Put All Items Max But Rage Fighter Knuckles ?
  3. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    huh? what do you mean?

    All 3 rf sets are maxed, same as all sets

    We still need to add the 3 ragefighter weapons and that's all, till new sets/weapons will show up
    Anthoney12 likes this.
  4. Anthoney12

    Anthoney12 The Childish One Supporter

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Sorry About That My Poor English

    An Yes I Was On About The Rage Fighter Glove Not Knuckles.
  5. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    For those who bought ancient exe sets, this is a good opportunity to get another set.

    But what about those who have sets from last season that's not for bk anymore?

    I am sure that seph told us in last season that they were custom diabloMU sets. BUT NOW THEY AREN'T FOR BK, BUT FOR ANOTHER CLASS WE DIDN'T PAY FOR!!

    You mentioned in another thread earlier that, we are able to trade them within others, but what if we don't want them to trade, since we specifically bought for our class. We didn't pay for those sets to be traded or to be used for another class.

    Can't you configure it to be able to be used for the specific classes we bought for? or let us switch those items with our class , (that we actually bought for) with another of the same worth!!!

    I do not see any loss of profit from Gamefobia if they follow this process. Some of us paid a lot for those sets which were FO BEFORE BUT NOT ANYMORE for their specific class, you need to take that into consideration.
  6. StoneCold

    StoneCold Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    I am sorry to point this out but in MY case...

    I bought an Executor set, amongst many other items and sets, which back then was for BK/DL/SM.

    Since I never played DL or SM in season 4 I bought that set for my BK.

    According to that quote... I Payed 70 euros for an Executor set for my BK and that is what I have to receive. I am not asking to change something.. I am asking to have what I Paid for... and use it for what I Paid for ( MY BK )!
    Elther, Fullmetal and sayfar like this.
  7. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    unlike some of you, i read everything whats written into a post so stop bolding, colouring things ok? I'm the one doing that in order to get more attention on the specific phrase because most of you get bored of reading everything.
    Also, it's written in the first post they are still FO! So there are not 3 options sets which were allowed on trades.

    No one said those sets will remain for same class or all classes for ever! As webzen introduced a new character, we also needed to ballance the sets to be equal for all characters and also some players complained pretty much that char x got more sets than char y so some sets became specific for some classes only to make it fair to everyone. So you will receive the exact same set and it it happens to be for other class then keep it till you'll be playing that class. I doubt someone will only stick to 1 character all the time since mu got 6 characters and not 1. We can't keep everything for the same classes for years and years because this would mean to stick to an old version all the time
  8. StoneCold

    StoneCold Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    I personally read everything on this forum and that why you appointed me a forum Moderator a little over a year ago.

    What it is hard for to understand how it is possible webzen to be responsible for everything. Some of those sets were advertised as "custom" Diablo MU sets. What is also hard to understand too is how it is possible to turn people down that threw 200+ euros to the network.

    As per our last chat on TeamSpeak I suggested a solution that would make both sides happy but from what I see I just wasted my time for nothing. I am suppose to be here and giving ideas not only being the forum police and warning ppl. That was on the job descreption.

    The important think is that us donators keep paying the bills for this server. Us donators keep this thing running so other ppl be able to enjoy themselves. And us donators are your living ad. We in our way encourage new players to donate as well.

    We showed our support for this server and this community so I guess it is time for the administration team to show that you really care about us and it is not all about X amount of euros.

    Me personally and the people that are in my situation, we dont want something that is impossible to be done. We are not greedy. We want a solution to our problem. The Golden Middle that path.
    Elther, Fullmetal and sayfar like this.
  9. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    This would be the last time you reply into a closed thread as long as it's not something i ask for. Being a moderator doesn't mean you are allowed to do that since players can't close the thread.

    I've already explained the situation and that's the best solution and some of you are still not happy and unfortunately we can't please everyone.

    You asked how can webzen be responsable for everything since these are custom items. Well ... simple... it's reponsable with new versions, new character and new addons.

    By time i could even take out these custom items for good because it requires a lot of extra work each time webzen does an update.

    Some items from 2-3 years ago kept their class and some didn't. We won't ruin the ballance just because you were playing class x at that time because again i consider MU is not a 1 character game at all so you'll take advantage of the set for another class and some are happy about this.

    We droped the option of 3opt set and sticking to fo ones as refund ; we agreed to allow replacement of anc+exec to any set of players choice + making it +15 so thats more than a middle solution, but according to classes thats the end line since it's impossible to keep same classes for all sets while there are changes made and such changes require other changes from our side to keep everything clean and ballanced for everyone and not only donators.

    LE: Well acording to your teamspeak message from today after 3 news you still didn't got the idea that the items refunded will be fo and not 3 option ... gratz for the ignorance towards the news
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