
Discussion in 'x100' started by Messy, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. Messy

    Messy Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    Godlike introduction

    Godlike is a new evolving guild. Our goal in the future is to be a serious opponent in the castle siege and hopefully even the castle kings. Still, we dont recruit everyone with a fancy set and big amount of resets. We are trying to have a friendly and respectful community who doesn't look for problems, killsteal from others, behave like a kid and insult without a reason.

    At the moment we are basically a small group of beginners with a few expectations. We are solo, but if anyone would like to form an alliance with us, we would gladly take it under consideration.

    Also, we are recruiting new members, so if you think you would fit well in our guild, let me know via private messege in forum or find me in-game (Messy, Murderer). I'm usually leveling in server 13. If I'm not online, contact our AGM (ImFabulous, Slutster)

    We dont have any level requirements (Not that we assume anyone strong would wanna join such a new guild). But we do require some things from our members.

    1)You have to be able to speak english. And by english I mean understandable english. Not something like: "me go stad, exp make." that aint proper english for me. Of course I dont require fluent english, I dont speak it fluently either... just understandable and not some "google translate" like english :)

    2)Respect others. By respect I mean that you have to be nice to people. And not only to guildmates, but to everyone! Ofc, I understand if someone insults and killsteals or something that then its hard to stay polite and in these cases its fine by me to kill him or tell him to piss off... if the other person is being impolite to you, then its your right to be impolite to him. Just dont be a douche to friendly people.

    3)Respect the server rules. Guildmate or not, we dont tolerate dicussing bugs, hacks, or anything like that in guild chat.

    4)Help your guildmates. If there is any way you can help them, please do. Give them party, answer questions and so on. I cant force you to help, but if you help others then others will surely help you too.

    5)Use your common sense. If your guildmate and some random dude asks for party, party your guildmate. Dont insult, killsteal or kill you guildmates and etc. I wont write those rules 1 by 1, I expect you to use your common sense in such cases.

    Well thats about it.. at least nothing else pops into my mind at the moment. If any of the members brake the rules, the please make a screen shot and let me know about it. Also, if anyone sees a Godlike member being a douche for no reason, let me know about it. We dont want any bad reputation for our guild.

    If you read all the text above, then thanks for reading :)) If you didn't, then GO READ!:D
  2. mizare

    mizare Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    i want, i want, i want :D