Game Master Apprenticeship - Java

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Java, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Java

    Java Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    1. Name: John
    2. Age: 22
    3. Country: North America

    4. GMT: -6
    5. In-game Name: Java
    6. Mu Experience: I started out playing GMO 11 years ago and have played several different private servers since then taking time off every now and then when my real life needed me more then the relaxing playing of mu did.
    7. Mu GM Experience: I never have been a GM.
    8. Reasons you feel that would qualify you as a good Game Master Apprentice: I am on for several hours of the day so i can keep an active presence on the server, which will deter people from using hacks. I know that a GM needs to be unbiased when making decisions that regard someone in their normal characters guild or in the opposing guild. I went to school to be an Accountant and with this type of profession i have a high level of professionality and know that cheating is not something that will help you to prosper.

    Please feel free to say your thoughts about me from in game.
    PingPong likes this.
  2. PingPong

    PingPong Member

    Feb 8, 2013
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    In all seriousness, he is online quite a bit and would help if there was someone to report to ingame who could take videos/other proofs when someone is hacking/being suspicious. And if he's happy to do the work, have at it :)

    How good are you at recording video and uploading it? Would be a handy skill at the moment.
  3. Java

    Java Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    i know my way around the computer and know how to take videos and upload to youtube/other video hosting sites
    PingPong likes this.
  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    To me it sounds too obsessed of the hacking idea. Probably he thinks he lives in a world free of cheats and being GM is a lot easier than making a proper report.

    Overall you're quite new so I would like to see more of your behaviour.

    EDIT: By the way, why are you using multiple accounts on the forum?

    @ PingPong how about you? Last time others made you forfeit due to not having a strong motivation.
  5. Java

    Java Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    I had multiple accounts because i wasn't sure who my main was going to be in me it doesn't really matter in having multiple accounts and becoming a GM...since GM should be kept seperate from normal character and therefore should have separate lives on forum/in-game without people knowing who you are. there a reason you brought up the multiple accounts?

    @Gix...Although i like the idea of GM applications being public, it makes it a lot harder for someone to keep their life separate in game since people will be trying anything and everything to piss you off on your normal char (even though you should be able to handle this being a GM) trying to get you to abuse the GM privileges
  6. PingPong

    PingPong Member

    Feb 8, 2013
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    It's just that we have had some problems with hacking this past week and it is the most pressing issue, that people want to see fixed and are motivated to do something about. It's not a bad way to start as a GM, catching baddies, getting the community to know you by reporting hackers. Catching people's bots and kicking them from guild isn't positive for the people whose bots they were.

    And really got to start somewhere, Java is a pretty good pick if you ask me, haven't seen him boil over yet. Would be great to have an active GM to run some events or just witchhunts in the game. Once you learn it, there isn't too much randomness left. Nothing left to discover, no mystery, a good GM can bring that back, even for 15 minutes.

    I need a slight break from the game, so I won't be online too much coming few weeks. And to be honest, not too motivated either, it's a great game with some great people, but I'm not motivated to put the work in, atleast not at the moment. Maybe someday.

    Well I don't think this thread will be closed so nobody will know that you got the gig, unless you tell someone :)
  7. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Java, things will always be like that. Sooner or later, everyone will find out the GM normal character name.
    Also, this way we can make sure a corrupted GM will be reported faster than usual. Obviously, once a player won't agree with something he will start screaming and shouting about a GM abusing powers and etc, this is a story that will never end and it's part of online gaming.

    I also brought multiple accounts into discussion because your other accounts are active posters as well so i was curious about this.

    PinPong, MU is known as a boring game so there's nothing new here :) I remember taking breaks and when i camed back the game looked awsome. Btw if you play no-sound you should start using it, it's a nice feeling :D.

    Anyway, let's stick to the subject.
  8. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    I don't know you, but from what I have saw in the forums, you are a very mature person who has the right mind set. I would recommend you. Not because of the reasons I said, because, well, I don't know you, but the players are crying for a GM.

    If you are going to give anyone a trial Gix, it would be him. My 2 cents.
  9. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    But the players are the ones that are not appling for. Right? We cannot oblige someone to apply for GM and it's not like we will hire GM's simillar to a real life job.

    No offence Terra, but you're not the best example of giving advices on whom to accept as a GM since you were of them and quited pretty fast, breaking that long-term promise and making others loose their time.

    Anyway we're off-topic already.

    We'll give Java some time so we can decide over his position. Feedbacks only may be posted.
  10. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    You didn't have to bring that up, and for your information, I left due to job reasons. I liked to think that I helped out a little while my time as GM, whether it be appreciated or not. It didn't seem appreciated at all actually. I also believe that I have helped out many of people on the forums, and given you tips too.

    Further information, I believe that giving an opinion on a player didn't have anything to do with my own past experience to give judgement whether or not he would fit the part.
  11. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Unfortunately I cannot totally appreciate people that say something and do the opposite, but I don't have anything against you either since you're a mature player that almost everytime gave some good advices while thinking them first unlike lots of other players which usually don't do that. As I've always said, I am looking for long-term so I am expecting others to take this seriously into consideration like I do, otherwise being GM for a weekend it just makes all of us to loose precious time. We all got a job, or atleast most of us but this wasn't the real reason though and I'm pretty sure of it. Time isn't my friend either but I always try to manage it and take care of everything even by sacrificing my relaxing time and turn it into stress sometimes :)

    Anyway we are off topic so don't be shy to use that PM button if you have something else to add.

    This was a quote from my previous post so let's stick to it.

    Any other feedbacks about Java are welcomed.
  12. Java

    Java Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    Just bumping so any other opinions on myself can be said...if you have something against me please post it, also if you are for me please post it...
  13. Gavileitor

    Gavileitor Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    I think java could be a good ingame GM , he is respectfull with other players and have service vocation.
  14. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Let's give Java a chance :) Check your PM
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