well...before i got to answear the thread was closed so ill try here. you are wrong about that functions being different...the bot contains "tick boxes" for jewels,excelent items, ancient set items and it even has a great "custom item tick box", where you can add speciffic items by using their full name or just a part and it detects then perfectly. From what i have tested so far its even cooler than all free "auto all" programs, because you can set it to change skill for speciffic situations like "use this when there are more than 2,4,6,8 mobs" or "when a mob attacks you" and it runs around,picking up zen and items with returning to original spot if you set it to. If not it will just run around almost like a real player. I dont really agree with that auto combo thing, because good combo skills used to separate pro BKs from noobs but besides of that its a great gadget. Maybe they should even add a payed auto-reconnect function and it would be the proest bot ever...
webzen will always fail on this because they are trying just to get more money, nothing more. Wonder what will happen when muX is out ... ofc remember sunonline is underdev for 5+ years so expect like 10 years for something better