for Smart SephiroTh & the pampers Eldar

Discussion in 'Archive' started by aragorn, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. aragorn

    aragorn Member

    Dec 28, 2008
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    FOR Eldar :

    1. - ask seph how many ss he have, drama for 1 fenrir, just wanna see u seph stay there in cry and colect those for mix fenrir,to see how easy is.then talk about`it

    2. - this is ur law, at least i stop be sux and a lier

    can u tell me what ban did he got? ......i tel u what he got ( NON = 0 = nothing = frend with admin`s) and kenny got really fast 2 day`s ban

    3. - from MM staff,only 1 did his job ,only 1 Knox, and respect for him, rest r just a bunch of loser`s, when player`s said, i got a bug in my inventori, talk with admin to fix` said is over me, sry
    what answer is that? then close`it and go home noob.

    4. - u remind ppl to not give acc information, but u didnot ban those acc wich start this sh1T

    5. - i made a mistake when fenrir gonne..... o_O u r so phatetic......gro up

    And here for Pro SephiroTH

    1. - i`ve stopt to play on ur nab srv, long time ago

    2. - yea right word`s like FMM doesnt mean nothing to u,MAYBE only 4 u, but for some it`s mean alot kid

    3. -here didnot talk about u, u just check forum, if u connect 3 - 10 time`s on srv ,i think is to much

    4. - is my foul coz i have anubis, is my foul coz i have hyon,is my foul coz i have gaion, is my foul coz i have max wing. NO is ur foul bcz didnot check that on time, true is u IGNORE that,face`it.

    and finaly the last part, with writhing "Pr0" isnt a writh mistake, if u see that way, then u need a paire of glass....many player`s writh Pr0 , instead Pro

    Ps : get a life nab, and remember be Pr0 or Close`it and go home, bcz world is tired for nabs like u
  2. r3dpuma

    r3dpuma Member

    Dec 10, 2007
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    2 - Nemesis TM is no friend of admin, and even if he was its wouldnt had make a difference.... i myself got many bans on server ;) ...that report was probably moved into archive by one of our moderators before beign checked by an admin....we are humans not robots..

    3 - The rest of the admin , besided Joe, say that they cant fix bug like inventory, because they CANT!!!! Only Assistants and Head MM have access to such things, and Joe, Power and GitaaS arnt always 24/7 here to fix a bug on demand....they have lifes too...

    The rest is not my business.....

    I`m not giving u a ban yet... i wanna see the rest of whining

    To be honest i dont know what made you that pissed on our server :confused: ...bad things happen all the time, and to all of us, nobody is special...
  3. equinoxx

    equinoxx Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    apollo or watever, You quitted along time ago meaning you haven't seen what happened the moment you left. Now you came back to whine about unfair treatment and bla bla bla. Can't you see it's only YOU and YOU ALONE who keeps on grumbling about a problem you yourself created. SOmehow you managed to blew things out of proportion. Spreading propaganda's just because of what? For being a loser?

    About sharing of accounts: In my case we are three brothers playing in DMU, i logged in and somehow found something beneficial to my brothers account. NOw tell me, should i call my brother, tell him come home and let him personally log in his account? You seem failed to see the "brotherhood" that developed while playing this online game. Which i see you failed to achieved. THe way i see it SEph made that rule to protect players from being abused and scammed. If not of the mentality your showing right now and to those people who takes/took advantage(s) of other peoples weakness, who will need those rules?
  4. akkken

    akkken Supporter

    Nov 7, 2008
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    To be honest i saw sometimes posts same type like those and ... i saw diffrent types of treatment for each players.. specially in baning otheres.. but when i was saying that report isnt fullfle etc and bans arent given fine i heard "Admin always hv right" ... hmm rlz.. yup ... aragorn bends with those things but he has a bit right.... i respect rules and DMU staff for help... and they're time for us... but facts are facts..
  5. Linkz

    Linkz Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    dude that isn't me...even ask tzu...i only have 3 accounts on forum...and that isn't one of them...cause i am still playing in game...i like how you connect to this nab who is complaining about an item...while i am complaining about something that is against the rules...but whatever...if sharing account is legal then rules should be updated saying sharing is allowed at users risk and that admin are not responsible for lost items...and plus many of the rules now are not updated...
  6. r3dpuma

    r3dpuma Member

    Dec 10, 2007
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    thats because we're in a time of changes, with season 4 and all, they will be reviewed ;)

    Closed and aragorn banned for staff insults, and Angeal warned !
  7. Oni poker

    Oni poker Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    typical broad. you sucked and couldn't achieve anything. now it's your own vendetta of trying to bring MMs down just because your impatience and small, singular brain couldn't realize MMs are human too! if you got hurt by them, you should've told them about it earlier on, instead of crying out for months, and finally coming here and making a mess with your sorrows. maybe u just want your drama to be plastered all over forum like a garish wallpaper? all because you are loser and crybaby, moaning for understanding of others... i know exactly your type of person.

    and second thing: i shared my account with my brother, then he made his own account and i know his login and password just because he trusts me and i help him out a lot. it's all a matter of TRUSTING EACH OTHER. but yes, i broke the rules (as you consider it). please ban me, MuMasters. and ban whole server too, coz we can't trust our best friends because apollo says so... poor apollo...

    PS. learn to write properly first, apollo.
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