For all flamers out there, whiners and people that are looking for ex702

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Gix, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    So by reading some lame flaming posts by that puresoul banned guy both here and on ragezone forum i can't believe how some people have 0 knowledge when it comes to mu server but still give advices. He's not the only one though.

    For example that guy said nothing was invested here. Now, do you really think all of these are free? The DDoS protection itself is probably twice as your biggest monthly payment. I won't say the exact price but trust me that it's expensive as hell. You can check and see we are talking about $X,XXX numbers every single month. Without this do not even think to start a popular server. Any new server is having protection issues nowdays and I see that every single day and while some may be lucky to get small attacks others may get huge ones as we did in the past. I want to see any of those flamers doing what we are doing and paying money from their own pocket to keep this server up for all of you.

    Secondly, there are the server files which costed us over $700 and we are paying a monthly fee ever since we bought them. Just check it here Titans Tech - Start MuOnline Configuration. We are using premium server files which obviously are paid. It sucks, but MU is an old and expensive game to deal with unlike other games which got open source developers and much more.
    There are 3 MU development teams: TitanTechs (old SCFMT), MuEngine, IGCN. The last two had and still got serious issues such as: MuEngine scammed a lot of their customers and we were one of them so another $500 lost because of that, their owner is hungry for money, and so on and IGCN was the worse and we lost another $500. Their authentification servers were offline for days for their clients, they got plenly of bugs but they started to fix them and the owner is speaking with customers like trash. Also, in case they are dissapearing everyone will loose everything since all customers depend on them entirely.

    None of these teams will give you access to their custom source so you cannot make your own modifications and stuff. We all have to wait for them in order to fix/add things. While I've got a better access than their normal customers due to being with TT almost since the very begining, the source is something no one will share so no, we cannot do our own fixes if they depend on the core/emulator itself. We can fix and modify things that we only have access to.
    We could work over our own custom source but that would take years to develop what they got now and this would mean finding atleast few expert developers and paying them monthly so payments would be probablyatleast 10x more each month than we are paying now so we would tak about $X,XXX numbers for the server files only and not even offcial pays all their coders to reach such prices. There are a lot of players that thinks everything is so damn easy and the bugs are our fault. Why not making your own server and see how hard it actually is? Everything related to bug fixing and stuff depend on the development team only and doesn't not depend on us at all so keep this in mind when saying "fix this and that, fast, fast!", etc.

    As you can see in this thread Titans Tech - Ultimate S6EP3 - MU Ex 7XX - Paypal! - RaGEZONE forums (I posted with my partner account: GameFobia ; my RZ name is Gix same as here but for some reason i cannot access it from my workpplace) they were criticized because of the slow updates they had lately and it's funny how people change their mind and start flaming even though in their old thread they had tons of positive comments. So the key for any MU server is to have patience and see what happens behind the actual game ... and trust me there is lot of daily stress due to some players and their attitude. This happens because we are actually getting involved comparing to other servers where the owner and gms are inactive for days, don't care about many things, etc and I'm so surprised to see less flamers than on a server where everyone is getting involved. I suppose kindness and devotion is not appreciated these days anymore and no, I'm not reffering to that banned guy puresoul since gamers from my own nationality are considered to be the most retarded people when it comes to online games since they are constantly whining no matter what, they got two faces everytime speaking nice with the gms and talking sh*t from their back, etc and live the game just too much (obviously not all, but most of them). I'm ashamed of that but hey...gaming will always be like that. Also seeing him that he is so obsessed and desperate just shows we worth a lot for some ppl and this means we are pretty good.

    Remember all of these next time you're posting and remember to be understanding and patient as we are. Also, as I said, if you think something is that easy anyone is free to start it's own server but you will fail from the moment you're thinking of it like a money making machine. That's why we are still here and fought with different hackers, attackers, flamers, etc. That's why we paid from our own pockets in order to see this server running. Everything was done just because we are stubborn of quitting and we want to give everyone a great community to spend their time.

    At the end of the day we all see most of times there is no profit at all and guess what: we don't care. Afterall, any server will expect for that since most of they are doing a hard work to keep things going and no one will do it for free, day by day. The ones supporting this network (besides our wonderful players) are not some ordinary kids so we all afford to contribute and keep it running. As a dentist and forex manager i can say you that i'm supporting most of these costs and the only moments when i regreted doing this was when i see lame and non-sense flames which again dissapoints me because I'm probably involving just too much into this server and gaming network. Don't get me wrong, i love constructive criticism and suggestions but that's totally different from flaming, hating, whining.

    As for the ex702, you all know we are not going to release something that may be instable and have more bugs than the actual version. First of all, the ex702 has a few extra features nothing more, a different changed interface which kinda sucks and that's about all so for the time being, we will stick with Season 6 Episode 3 and develop it further to make it as good as possible. When time will come we will check out the update and we'll see what all of us including players, decide.

    Remember no one is keeping here anyone by force. Things that you do not like shouldn't be played :)

    May this be a lesson for all the flamers, whiners, haters and owners of other servers.
    There are a lot more to be said from "behind the scenes" of MU Online but we'll keep that for some other time.

    Thanks for reading
    jimini, JimmyCool, Terrafrit and 2 others like this.
  2. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    Holy shit Gix, that's deep. Real deep. I appreciate this whole post, and yes, I read all of it. Respect for it, really.
    Regarding ex700, some server have it quite stable, and i'm guessing they are the titans paid also. You should check them out, there may only be a few changes, but some of them are vital needed for balance.

    Anyway, respect for this post, i'm utterly shocked you even spoke about this.
  3. Hopium

    Hopium Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    flaming servers is also part of the mu game :p 99% of forum is usually gonna be complaints, cause otherwise they'd be in game. you just gonna have to see most people who are trolling forums do so cause they aren't playing :p or on lunch break like me :D. that aside the 702 stuff is meh Picking for gems? what is this WoW now lol but i do love the new interface with mob hp bars. thats about it. and maybe the elemental system but i havent got ot play with it yet so who cares you just patched here we ain't worried about 702.

    edit: also please unban puresoul just don't let him have a forum account :D or a 24 hour waiting peroid to post where it ask him in 24hrs if he is sure he wants to post this lol.
  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    My thinking never changed ever since 2005.
    There are really a lot of things to be said but i just resumed everything while taking a break treating my pacients. (sorry for the typos as well; noticed quite a few but won't edit that anymore so people can actually see the original thread itself)
    Some people still find it hard to believe that someone actually cares about the game itself and not the money and everything else. I know it's hard since it was a player myself and that was the main reason why we started this gaming network. Ever since we started it, i've fought with corruption and tried to keep things as fair as possible even if this meant to fire capable staff members or old players. Obviously each one of you will have it's own opinion about this server and mysefl.

    There is no reason to be shocked Terra, people like me still exist out there. That's the real me and in reality I'm even more than that just because i wouldn't be able to quit this network even if I wanted to since i would just know many of you will be dissapointed and my own character would never let me do that. Even when having such a busy time or personal issues, inside of me there is also a though about this network and it's players. I'm not the only one that gets involved obviously, but it makes me sad to see there are not much addicted people left and the thing that actually pisses me off is that lot of jerks are sometime getting more support than we do. I even know servers where admin swear the player on global chat and no one complains. That's what i call a shock :)

    Haven't met yet with anyone from BlizzardMu unlike our sister server where i've met with hundred of players since the only guy from my country i know was pure and his brother. I wished the would met me in real life and probably everything would have been changed but nvm that.

    I am aware of the ex702 part Terra but still isn't something that we're planning to do, yet. Also most of those are IGCN and i would like to avoid those guys at any cost even if their version may be more stable than TT. As for MuEngine, the guy scammed most of it's customers and players so he can work for philiphine official and get more money which shocked me how lame some people can become just because of the money.

    I am aware of that Hopium but this is what makes people either quit or scam you as a player then open a new server under a new name or you could simply get ignored if the admin is smart enough not to get involved too much and care only about the financial part.

    I've unbanned him once already even if he always made fake statements and apologized afterwards. That's not normal so instead of me worrying for his health I preffer it this way and listen to the advice that few players gave it to me long time ago when he deserved the suspend as well. Eventually he will regret this as we all do when rushing typing words before thinking. I mean i even gave tons of proofs with people reporting that and loosing an item on 100% is something that happend, happens and will still happen starting with the official servers and on all private servers. Not his fault but definetly not ours as well as he claimed. It's a damn rare thing that happend once in 3 years on two of our players (one of them was pingpong if i remember well and who understood my explanation and made me smile seeing such a mature and fairplay player), out of thounds of combinations, hundred of players, thounds of active accounts, etc. No, i cannot find any logical explanation why someone would go crazy because of that and trying to flame anywhere thinking he could do something to our reputation. If he was calm enough we could have reached to an agreement but threats will never help. Same thing happend a year ago when someone either scammed his account, or he shared his details and that person deleted his chars, or even he deleted his own chars on a rage moment ; instead of asking for help in a respectful manner he started threatning and flaming accusing us that we deleted his characters. We're far more mature of doing that and we are banning accounts actually not deleting since i cannot see why we should that when the consequences are the same and the user cannot access his account anymore. Also if i would ever do something i would say it straight in the player face since i don't have any reasons to hide myself or my thinking into a game ; I am a really direct person in real life so why should i be the opposite in a virtual one?. A simillar scenario was available for KraMer and we have recovered his character 100% w/o any issues but he never threatned anyone, instead he patiently waited and that guy is really mature for his young ange thing that i always loved when discussing with him and why anyone else that shares these qualities.

    Anyway this post is not related to him at all. He was just given as a small example into my short speech since i never met such an agitated and obsessed guy ever since this network was started. And even after listening to all his flaming, hating and bad words i still don't hate the guy. Fighting because of a game is just pathetic and i could not hate someone because of that, ever.
    Terrafrit likes this.