Few bits and "bobs"

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Mounchiez, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Mounchiez

    Mounchiez Member

    Apr 15, 2011
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    Hi don't know if you remember me Gix but long story short i played on blizz since nearly the start over 2 years ago, so I am happy that serv is up again with fresh touch etc. (back in the day when we called You Sephi ^^)

    In any case we had some time to play about and check the new server sttings and other stuff, and some of us has came with few ideas as well as we found some little bugs.

    One of the issues I personally find worrying is the resource usage on the cpu gpu and memory of the blizz client i compared blizz client with few other season 6 episode 3 servers and found that for some reason blizz client drains twice as much memory and puts double tha strain on cpu, as well as it turns off on itself after some time as if it couldnt find the space to run anymore. Now if I remember rigth this used to be an issue on the old Blizz mu before and if i remember right it got solved somehow, to specify it better i've done some checks of my own and from the looks of it your client is taking up more and more memory for some reason as if it grew on itself.

    The next issue most of us find a bit restricting to the gameplay is the pk limit. Given character is only able to execute 3 player kills after which he either has to clear pk on the website or wait certain amount of time, in my opinion this is minus for a pvp server since the biggest part of mu online is its pvp system which atm we cant really use so i think the limit (whether implied on purpose or by accident) would bring more fun if it was removed.

    Rest of the stuff is bugs that can be easly fixed but I'm assuming were missed by mistake, for example:

    -220 lvl skills dont drain any AG on use (to give you and example of how that could be a problem check DL and AE skills chaotic disorder and multi-shot which have immense dmg and speed compared to MG or BK skills which may have same dmg but slow speed and long animation = dmg over time goes in favour of elf and DL to prove this try to check how many elfs have been created in past few days)

    -summoner curse spells dont do much dmg after they've been inflicted (I've tested this on 2 books so far and each time i use the book skill once its inflicted it deal the wizardry dmg and then the curse dmg is applied which is shown off in green numbers but its always 1 hit point even tho mu curse dmg is over 300)

    -summoner spells/skills show the wrong requirements even though i can equip some of them i still cant use them

    One last thing is the number of times we can go for chaos castle in a day (could make it a bit more often,every 3 hours for example as its the only reasonable source of jewels on low rate server like this) as well as BC DS bones/scrolls/eyes/keys drop rate which still seems to be low (i think you mentioned something about raising it but im not sure so feel free to correct me on that one)

    Overall the server is going good its just little bits and pieces that need tweaking to make it great, I think that if you try to make those things listed above it would make people all around more happy when playing the serer without changing the original setting much.

    Hope You'll find this usefull
    WaSSuuP likes this.
  2. Vengeance

    Vengeance Supporter

    Feb 18, 2011
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  3. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Gixx, what is going on ?
  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Vengeance you realize some of us are busy and can't answer in a second all the time, right? So how about being patient. Oh...and no one is keeping you here by force so go test some other servers and then compare if you still live in your own bugless world or start coding yourself because until now even paid teams always had errors that needs to be reported by their clients and the players.

    Going on with what james? We're not robots, just to remember you that.

    @Mounchiez, i've got no problems with the Main and i am running the full 3d+fog+sky+smooth opengl rendering, etc. It takes about 25 - 40% CPU on a dual core laptop and 5-10% on a Quad Desktop PC and remember MU is virtual memory intensive rather than real one which may be increased with your HDD space.

    One of the reasons why the client uses more is because many servers that call themselves S6EP3 are infact modded S6EP2. We currently have the latest and most stable main version for this season and few of the servers i know they work with the same server files and client got the same restuls. Remember that the servers you may have tried probably don't have an anti-cheat client with heartbeating protection, 3d camera, etc. Graphics may be disabled as i've said inside the vcorp.ini. Also, MU has always been an intensive process and will always remain like that.

    - The PvP 3 kills limit is not a permanent thing and first of all it is not a bug but a setting. It was just set for now and it should be taken off during the weekend or maximum on monday but obviously the PK clear will be quite expensive to avoid those PK hunters that kill everyone who is AFK-ing. When there will be more players we'll probably separate into two servers non-pvp and pvp.

    220 lvl skills dont drain any AG on use - fix is already scheduled for the next update.

    summoner curse spells dont do much dmg after they've been inflicted - have no idea about that, i'll have a look.

    summoner spells/skills show the wrong requirements even though i can equip - such as? Tell me your char name to check this issue.

    One last thing is the number of times we can go for chaos castle in a day - it's already been discussed into another thread and the explanation was given.

    as well as BC DS bones/scrolls/eyes/keys drop rate which still seems to be low (i think you mentioned something about raising it but im not sure so feel free to correct me on that one) - i've seen people gaining quite a few of those but probably they'll be increased just a bit onto next reload.

    Overall the server is going good its just little bits and pieces that need tweaking to make it great - Servers should always improve and there will never be any bugless server that doesn't require a single tweak, not even globalmu.
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Removed the PK limit and increased BC/DS ingredients.

    (forgot that getting up to 3rd pk level won't let you either kill mobs until PKclear and seems no one PK-ed enough until now to report that which is kinda weird)
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