Expanded inventory (backpack), monthly vote reward and auto trivia

Discussion in 'Archive' started by StormLord, Aug 1, 2013.

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  1. StormLord

    StormLord Member

    Jun 6, 2013
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    My first suggestion is to lower the price of expendaed inventory/backpack to something about 200-300 vote points. 300 sounds nice since we can/have to buy 2.

    2nd suggestion is about monthly vote reward. My suggestion is to lower the goals to 5th place OR reward 100ws cr/100pc or something like that even when no goals are made(2nd option is better and not to much)
    I was extremly disapointed after trying to vote every day sometimes 2 times whole month to get the bonus and see we wont make it because less players playing or not everyone voting. New servers are made and 1000-9999999xp ones usualy get more ppl=more votes.

    3rd suggestion is to make if its possible > Auto trivia event every 6 - 12hours. (6?)
    Auto trivia is 10 questions(GM post) that players answer on /post (reward 1b for each or other ??) that are mix of letter that wrote in the right order give name of some mu item. example > "etlap solevg" Answer /post plate gloves >reward dropped under winners character.
    I know 1b isnt much but its all about fun and this event is a nice one^^
  2. JimmyCool

    JimmyCool Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    1. I will let Gix to answer on this :smile:

    2. We didn't reach July goals because most of the players are in vacancy, just wait until they will be back and we will reach them as we did in June

    3. The Auto trivia event have not be added yet, so have patience and u will see the reward
  3. StormLord

    StormLord Member

    Jun 6, 2013
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    Im sorry but if u answer 1 or in my opinion none of my questions please hold off and dont do it at all. I dont want to be rude but its kinda 2nd time so please Gix if you have time answer those.
  4. JimmyCool

    JimmyCool Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    Is my job to answer, you like it or not is your problem:thumbup1:.
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    1. You are a bit selfish and this won't happen.
    Expanded and backback are permanent features and you want to get one of them less than 5 days? During vote bonus you get 25 x 2 votecoins per day so thats 50 which means you will need 4 days to make that happen. The expanded price has been already reduced once.

    2. My suggestion would be to see more correct votes.
    You want to get motivated by getting an extra reward (don't forget about the normal reward on voting and the bonus reward at the begining of each month that you get everyday) for not reaching the goals. Well, not even the lame servers do that. And there are lots of players that actually vote every 12 hours, everyday and it seems you're not even one of those. You just want to get easy rewards for no work and this won't be possible.

    "New servers are made and 1000-9999999xp ones usualy get more ppl=more votes" - First of all, this is a 100x server, not a 9999x so don't even try to compare them. Next, I invite you to go and visit those 99999x servers and see that 90% of them have 1/4 of our players count.

    Also, you see those servers rewarding players for X,XXX credits and stuff but their items costs over 100,000 credits so it's a different market and a totally different concept. This is a long-term server, not a 2 weeks one as most the servers you mentioned are.

    About 70%+ of all xtremetop100 servers are using fake votes and others are runned by kids who use their skype and ym all the time to mass people and get votes.

    Also, the vote goals will stay as they are. They have been calculated and there is no problem for us reaching those, but it's summer and August is that period of the year where everyone goes into vacantion.

    3. The reward will be taken by the winner from the reward NPC. Anyway leave this aside for now as you're suggestion things that are not even enabled for now.

    Trivia event will be probably launched as progressive as we need to find some suitable questions and answers first.

    Cool atitude. I wonder if you saw Jimmy's title: "Head Game Master" otherwise I cannot understand how can you be that rude with a staff member whose duty is actually to help, answer people's request and make it easier for me to handle thounds of players from this community.

    Nextime, I will hold off myself too so we won't bother you too much.

    JimmyCool likes this.
  6. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Forgot to add that the goal is Top #5 this month, not #3. There was a typo mistake on news that it's corrected now.
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