EternalMU Quests

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ahura, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Ahura

    Ahura Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    EternalMu quests:

    1.First quest (for Dark Knight, Elf, Dark Wizard, Summoner)

    Go to devias at coord 185.22 and speak with Sebina the Priest
    she would ask you about :
    scrool of emperor + broken sword (dark knight become blade knight)
    scrool of emperor + elf`s tear (elf become fairly elf)
    scrool of emperor + wizard`s soul shard (dark wizard become soul master)
    scrool of emperor + abyssal eye (summoner become bloody summoner)
    - you may find quest items in Lorencia Bar at Lumen the Barmaid npc -

    2.Second quest ( Blade Knight, Soul Master, Muse Elf)

    Find and speak with npc Marlon, he warp between Lorencia coord 138.87 ; Noria coord 169.89 ; Devias coord 198.48 and Atlans at coord 18.25.
    Marlon would ask you for Ring of honor and black stone (only for Blade Knight).
    - you may find quest items in Lorencia Bar at Lumen the Barmaid npc -

    3.Third quest (all classes)

    Go to Lorencia at coord 131.120 and speak with npc Apostle Devin, he would ask you for Hell Miner Horn, Dark Phoenix Feather, Death Beam Knight Flame.
    After you complete the first task he would send you to Barracks to kill 20 balram / 20 death spirit / 20 soram/
    (to enter Barracks go to Crywolf at coord 64.237 where you will find npc Werewolf Quarel speak to him and he would grant you acces to Barracks)

    After you killed all mobs return to Apostle Devin and he would ask for 1 Dark Elf to be killed.
    Again return to Crywolf at Werewolf Quarel who will send you to Barracks. Once in Barracks go to coord 120.167 where you will find Gatekeeper, speak to him and he would send you to Balgass/Refugee, kill Dark Elf and return to Apostle devin.

    After third quest complete blade knight become blade master, soul master become grand master, muse elf become high elf, bloody summoner become dimension master, magic gladiator become duel master, dark lord become lord emperor.

    I hope would help someone my little guide.

    P.S: if i have any mistakes and/or something missing please let me know.