Diablo MuOnline Server Rules

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Gix, Feb 25, 2007.

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  1. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Ads ( /post ) will be used only for Trade & Help subjects treated in ENGLISH. Do not abuse of other languages and use private chat instead !

    NO SPAM allowed using /post

    Private Messages, Guild Messages and Alliance messages containing Inadequate Language won't be punished as we respect players privacy.

    Using Inadequate Language on Ads ( /post ) will lead to temporary account suspend

    1. Exploiting bugs

    Exploiting any bugs in the game or website to gain an advantage or put others at a disadvantage
    Example: Duplicating items
    Account/IP ban
    How to report:
    Frequent scans of item identification serial numbers and game logs will draw attention to show up offenders. However, if you have information, please pass it to a GameMaster or on our Forums as soon as possible including suitable screenshots if necessary for investigation.

    2. Impersonating staff
    Attempting to mislead people into thinking you are a GameMaster or any member of staff
    Account/IP ban
    How to report:
    Pass on any and all information to a GameMaster or on our Forums as soon as possible including suitable screenshots if necessary for investigation.

    3. Hacking / threatening to hack / unlawful activities
    Gaining unauthorised access to restricted areas of the server;
    Gaining unauthorised access to another player’s game account, personal details, account details;
    Using this game as a means of conducting unlawful activities
    This covers a wide variety of possible crimes including hacking, phishing, using keyloggers, scamming.
    IP ban, we may also feel the need to contact the authorities.
    How to report:
    Pass on any and all information to a GameMaster or on our Forums as soon as possible including suitable screenshots if necessary for investigation. If you have discovered items missing or a password changed on your account, please send in all relevant details. You must include account name and a date range that the offence could have taken place in. The more recent the offence, the more likely we are to be able to help. You may or may not have your items returned when the offender is caught.


    4. Harassment
    Harassing another player or member of staff, repeated abusive behaviour to a particular individual, repeated PKing of an individual to an extreme degree.
    This may range from a warning to an IP ban depending on severity and prior offences at the GameMaster's discretion.
    How to report:
    Pass on any and all information to a GameMaster or on our Forums as soon as possible including suitable screenshots if necessary for investigation.

    Update relevant for Rules NO 4 and 5
    When reporting, stop leveling in order to keep the lines of chat together.
    We require full or parts of the conversation that lead to the bad language. Make prints or scrool up the chat window and make prints of the dialogue.
    Screen-Shots consisting in 1 or 2 lines of chat will not be taken into consideration; Unless is abussive offensive language, and obviously non-provoked.
    Other exceptional situations will be evaluated by the admin team.

    5. Abusive behaviour or language
    Includes general insults and profanities towards other players, members of staff or the game as a whole; acts or language of religious intolerance, racism and all prejudice; threats of violence.
    This may range from a warning to an IP ban depending on severity and prior offences at the GameMaster's discretion.
    How to report:
    Pass on any and all information to a GameMaster or on our Forums as soon as possible including suitable screenshots if necessary for investigation.

    Bad Language - 1 to 4 lines of bad words (normal sanctions)
    Abusive Bad Language - 5 or more lines of bad words (special sanctions - starting from 5 days ban)

    6. Advertising
    Using the any part of the game, site, forums or community to advertise other websites, games and servers, products or services
    IP ban
    How to report:
    Pass on any and all information to a GameMaster or on our Forums as soon as possible including suitable screenshots if necessary for investigation.

    7. Trading for real money
    All data contained on this server is property of DiabloMu. You are not allowed to buy or sell game items for real money. Any attempt to profit from being a player in DiabloMu will not be tolerated. You may purchase items legitimately by donating. We will not take any responsibility for you being scammed out of money or game items by illegitimate trade.
    Account/IP ban
    How to report:
    Pass on any and all information to a GameMaster or on our Forums as soon as possible including suitable screenshots if necessary for investigation.

    8. Account sharing
    Sharing your game account with another individual; this is the case for the lifetime of the account, it does not matter if the account is not currently in use by its owner.
    Warning, Account suspension, account ban
    How to report:
    Pass on any and all information to a GameMaster or on our Forums as soon as possible including suitable screenshots if necessary for investigation.

    9. Abuse of game files
    Use of 3rd party programs to alter the game or altering any game files without permission; this would include any trainers, memory hackers, editing of textures etc.
    Using the game files for anything other than their intended use; this includes taking our client files for use on another server, trying to use client files other than the ones available from this website on this server.
    Account/IP ban
    How to report:
    Pass on any and all information to a GameMaster or on our Forums as soon as possible including suitable screenshots if necessary for investigation.

    10. Disrupting events
    We try to run events regularly; however it is very difficult if there is a large gathering of people and some or all are being disruptive. When a GameMaster is trying to make an announcement or give instructions during an event, you must remain quiet. Keep conversations to private messages (whispers). This is common courtesy.

    11. Spamming
    Flooding the game or forum with comments or other text unnecessarily
    Warning, disconnection, forum ban
    How to report:
    Pass on any and all information to a GameMaster or on our Forums as soon as possible including suitable screenshots if necessary for investigation.
    Ads will be used only for Trade & Help subjects treated in ENGLISH. Do not abuse of other languages and use private chat instead !
    NO SPAM allowed using /post

    12. KS-ing players on a Party (Rule available only on NoN PvP Servers/Maps)

    Party full = 4/5 players

    In arena, the spots are available on a first come first served basis. This means that if one full party is on the spot, you can’t ks them or you will suffer the penalty.

    The player alone in one spot can keep the spot for himself and not have to party other players. It's not considered ks if another player or party (not full) comes and atacks on a spot where a player or not full party atacks if the player/party(not full) allready refuzed to join their party.


    If there are 1 or 2 players AFK shooting on a spot and a full party wants to take over the spot they CAN NOT REPORT THAT PLAYER(s) FOR KS.
    THE SOLUTION for this is to report situation to any admin by entering on our TEAMSPEAM 3 SERVER, on LIVE HELP CHANNEL and ask one of the available game masters to move that player or those 2 players that are occuping the spot where the full party wish to take over. You only need to leave a message on the channel chat

    This rule has been applied due to those players that make a tricky fast full party just because they don't like a certain player and wish to report him for ban.

    Guide to connect on our teamspeak 3 server: http://diablo-network.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15029


    A spot is free for all as long as is not ocuppied by a full party.

    One player or an incomplet party is obligated to leave the spot if a full party comes to take over.

    A spot occupied by a full party can be take over only according to the rulle of AFK

    In an illegal KS/takeover (full party ks-ing/taking over another full party's spot) all the members of the offending party will be punished.

    In the situation of arena's cages, all players from party must be inside the cage. In the situation of others map's spots, the componence of the party and the presence must be visible in print. Getting out from the cage or leaving the spot, of one or more players, brings the risk of a pk or take over. Only in cases when one or more players from party have no reset, they can stay away from spot but not to a far distance and not outside the cage.

    When faced with a KS situation, a player must take the following measures:
    - 1 screen-shot when killing mobs alone (with party) on a spot
    - 1 screen-shot with the KS starting to happen
    - 1 screen-shot with the KS-er refusing party 3 minutes after
    - 1 screen-shot taken 3 more minutes later after the previous SS
    - all above screen-shots must be taken with C pressed so we can clearly see on which server the situation occurs.
    Note: If a player refuses to party, then the player requesting party can KS legally


    Player1(or non full party) comes to a spot where Player2(or non full party) kills mobs.
    Case 1: Player1 starts to ks. This IS considered illegal KS.
    Case 2: Player1 asks for party. If Player 2 does not want to party, Player1 can ks legally and will not be banned.
    -if player1 asks for party just for the rule and then doesn't party we will decide a longer ban period, as this is an attempt to make us do errors of judgement.
    Case 3: Player1 asks for party. Player2 wants party, everyone is happy.

    13. The AFK rule(s) (Rule available only on NoN PvP Servers/Maps)

    A player cannot let AFK shooting alone on a spot if by this action he KS a party full.


    If there are 1 or 2 players AFK shooting on a spot and a full party wants to take over the spot they CAN NOT REPORT THAT PLAYER(s) FOR KS.
    THE SOLUTION for this is to report situation to any admin by entering on our TEAMSPEAM 3 SERVER, on LIVE HELP CHANNEL and ask one of the available game masters to move that player or those 2 players that are occuping the spot where the full party wish to take over. You only need to leave a message on the channel chat

    This rule has been applied due to those players that make a tricky fast full party just because they don't like a certain player and wish to report him for ban.

    Guide to connect on our teamspeak 3 server: http://diablo-network.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15029


    A party full but AFK looses any right on the spot if another party full but ON comes and takes over the spot.

    Party full but AFK means all 4/5 party members are afk.

    A party full ON that wants to take over a spot from a party full but AFK, has the obligation to call admin and ask to disconnect the afk party. If at least one member of the party afk doesn't answer to admin for 5 min then the afk party gets disconnected and looses any right on the spot.

    In the situation where no admin is online, the full party that wants to take over the spot, has the obligation to ask the party if someone is online,and if nobody from that party answers for 5 minutes (all have to be prooved by prints) move the afk party using lightning/skill or pk, and take prints with the moved party.If the afk party "wakes up" after they have been took over, they don't have any right over the spot.

    The obligation of an AFK party is to have at least one member online, and to answer when someone asks.

    ONLY a FULL party can take over a spot occupied by an AFK party.

    In case that a party afk returns "from sleep" and they atak again on the spot, it will be considered ks to a party full and every member of the party will be punished accoring to the rulles of ks(even in the case of a single member, like wizzard, "wakes up" and moves the party on spot. All members of party will be punished)

    To send prints you need one print when you come over the party, second when you moved the party , third when you attak alone on spot, fourth when the party comes back and ks.

    If u dont have party full when you go to take over, you will be punnished for ks in arena.

    14. Stationary on an occupied spot (Rule available ony on NoN PvP Servers/Maps)

    Stationary of one or more player in an occupied cage by a full party it is not allowed.In order to make the prove of such fact you need a minimum 2 screens that have a difference of 3 minutes.For this infraction the account is suspended for 3 days.

    15. Indecent Character Names

    The Name of a player's character must not contain inadequate words like cursings, genitals or other offensive words.
    Also the Player names can not be similar to GameMaster names, so players will not confuse GameMasters for normal players;
    egg: Darwin > Darwln , in doing so leads to rule #2.

    - in this case the respective player will be asked to delete and Rename his character
    - in case the player is not complying his character will be deleted

    16. Full Options item trade FORBIDDEN

    You are not allowed to trade FO items

    - You can't share your FO items with another player as long he didn't bought a set from our shop
    - Players that will not respect this rule will get BANNED for a certain period
    - If you shared more FO items with another player , donations will be taken back because it's not fair for someone to use FO items as long he didn't donated for them

    Scam is the main reason since players share the items and then they won't get them back so we need to search on each and every account to refund them. Also it's not fair to do that since we are offering lifetime items refunding them even after you take a break of few years aswell as our hosts and payments can't be payed from shares.

    17. Using Autoloot Clickers is FORBIDDEN

    Using autoclickers that automatically collects zen, jewels, items is FORBIDDEN and will be punished according to the rules. It is not fair to collect stuffs while you are AFK so the punishment can lead up to Permanent IP Ban

    You may use only the autoclicker from DiabloMu.com client folder which is a normal autoclicker that only clicks inside MU window even while it is minimized so you can do anything you want on your deskto, browser or whatever you wish to.

    • A “suspension” is a temporary exclusion, whereas a “ban” is a permanent exclusion.
    • All punishments within reason are up to the GameMaster's discretion up to and including IP banning for any offence.
    • When multiple rules have been broken, this will be taken into consideration and the punishment may be greater than that of the individual offences.
    • The player’s record of past offences will also be taken into consideration; all characters on the same account will be recorded together; i.e. a first offence on one character will mean the next offence on any character is treated as a second offence.
    • Usually (remember that game masters always have the final saying) the Sanctions are :

    • 1st mistake: 2 days ban
    • 2nd mistake: 5 days ban
    • 3rd mistake: 7 days ban
    • 4th mistake: 10 days ban
    • 5th mistake: 15 days ban
    • 6th mistake: unlimited


    Thread I: http://diablo-network.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15

    Thread II: http://diablo-network.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9331

    It is important that you take appropriate screenshots. This means the maximum conversation log must be visible and legible while keeping the actual screen content partly visible.
    Press F4 until the conversation window takes up the full height of the screen and alter the transparency of this window so that the writing is clear and legible, but not so that the window is fully opaque. (Maxed Chat Window)
    Screenshots where very little of the conversation window is shown may be deemed inadmissible as evidence and dismissed.

    PK-ing an admin is strictly prohibited regardless on which server.
    First attempt - disconnect
    Second attempt - 2 days BAN
    Third attempt - 5 days BAN
    Abusive PK - can lead to permanent account BAN

    For all situations mentioned and not mentioned above, an Admin / MuMaster ( online when a situation occurs ) has the full authority to judge/resolve/punish a conflict/situation/rule breaker according to the rules of the server and according to the level of his Admin/MuMaster access.
    Lisbeth, cronox32, cedricsjd and 7 others like this.
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    15th April 2007 Update !
    eXistenZ likes this.
  3. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    18th rule deleted
    BulanoFF and eXistenZ like this.
  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    When you report someone remember the 3 MINUTES INTERVAL between screenshots !
    BulanoFF and eXistenZ like this.
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    18th June 2007 Update !

    Some rules were deleted due to version change & new servers !

    BulanoFF and eXistenZ like this.
  6. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Ads are only for Trade & Help subjects treated in ENGLISH. Do not abuse of other languages too much or use it as private chat !
    BulanoFF and eXistenZ like this.
  7. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Ads will be used only for Trade & Help subjects treated in ENGLISH. Do not abuse of other languages and use private chat instead !

    NO SPAM allowed using /post
    BulanoFF likes this.
  8. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Private Messages, Guild Messages and Alliance messages containing Inadequate Language won't be punished as we respect players privacy.

    Using Inadequate Language on Ads ( /post ) will lead to temporary account suspend
    BulanoFF, eXistenZ and BOYSM like this.
  9. Power

    Power Supporter

    Apr 14, 2008
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    For all situations mentioned and not mentioned above, an Admin / MuMaster ( online when a situation occurs ) hat the full authority to judge/resolve/punish a conflict/situation/rule breaker according to the rules of the server and according to the level of his Admin/MuMaster access.
    Lisbeth, BulanoFF and eXistenZ like this.
  10. Power

    Power Supporter

    Apr 14, 2008
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    PK-ing an admin is strictly prohibited regardless on which server.
    First attempt - disconnect
    Second attempt - 2 days BAN
    Third attempt - 5 days BAN
    Abusive PK - can lead to permanent account BAN
    BulanoFF and eXistenZ like this.
  11. Power

    Power Supporter

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Update to point 5: Abusive behaviour or language

    Bad Language - 1 to 4 lines of bad words (normal sanctions)
    Abusive Bad Language - 5 or more lines of bad words (special sanctions - starting from 5 days ban)
  12. Power

    Power Supporter

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Update to rule nr. 12 (KS):

    When faced with a KS situation, a player must take the following measures:
    - 1 screen-shot when killing mobs alone (with party) on a spot
    - 2 screen-shot when requesting the KS-er to party (3 minutes interval between screen-shots)
    - 1 screen-shot with the KS-er refusing to party
    - all above screen-shots must be taken with C pressed so we can clearly see on which server the situation occurs.
    Note: If a player refuzes to party, then the player requesting party can KS legally
  13. Power

    Power Supporter

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Update relevant for Rules NO 4 and 5
    When reporting, stop leveling in order to keep the lines of chat together.
    We require full or parts of the conversation that lead to the bad language. Make prints or scrool up the chat window and make prints of the dialogue.
    Screen-Shots consisting in 1 or 2 lines of chat will not be taken into consideration.
  14. Power

    Power Supporter

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Check Updates on Rules 4-5-12
  15. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    A reminder ....

    HaoS and sayfar like this.
  16. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    If there are 1 or 2 players AFK shooting on a spot and a full party wants to take over the spot they CAN NOT REPORT THAT PLAYER(s) FOR KS.
    THE SOLUTION for this is to report situation to any admin by entering on our TEAMSPEAM 3 SERVER, on LIVE HELP CHANNEL and ask one of the available game masters to move that player or those 2 players that are occuping the spot where the full party wish to take over. You only need to leave a message on the channel chat

    This rule has been applied due to those players that make a tricky fast full party just because they don't like a certain player and wish to report him for ban.

    Guide to connect on our teamspeak 3 server: http://diablo-network.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15029

    HaoS likes this.
  17. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    If there are 1 or 2 players AFK shooting on a spot and a full party wants to take over the spot they CAN NOT REPORT THAT PLAYER(s) FOR KS.
    THE SOLUTION for this is to report situation to any admin by entering on our TEAMSPEAM 3 SERVER, on LIVE HELP CHANNEL and ask one of the available game masters to move that player or those 2 players that are occuping the spot where the full party wish to take over. You only need to leave a message on the channel chat

    This rule has been applied due to those players that make a tricky fast full party just because they don't like a certain player and wish to report him for ban.

    Guide to connect on our teamspeak 3 server: http://diablo-network.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15029

    Slayer likes this.
  18. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    Since i've heard many players say "Rules are meant to be broken", i want to clearly state that
    In doing so you will attract upon yourselves the consequences mentioned!​
  19. CyPher

    CyPher Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    updated, Rule #15 (World7) regarding arena cage entrances removed.

    Free access to Arena cages is now allowed .
  20. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    15. Indecent Character Names

    The Name of a player's character must not contain inadequate words like cursings, genitals or other offensive words.

    - in this case the respective player will be asked to delete and Rename his character
    - in case the player is not complying his character will be deleted

    16. Full Options item trade FORBIDDEN

    You are not allowed to trade FO items

    - You can't share your FO items with another player as long he didn't bought a set from our shop
    - Players that will not respect this rule will get BANNED for a certain period
    - If you shared more FO items with another player , donations will be taken back because it's not fair for someone to use FO items as long he didn't donated for them

    Scam is the main reason since players share the items and then they won't get them back so we need to search on each and every account to refund them. Also it's not fair to do that since we are offering lifetime items refunding them even after you take a break of few years aswell as our hosts and payments can't be payed from shares.

    17. Using Autoloot Clickers is FORBIDDEN

    Using autoclickers that automatically collects zen, jewels, items is FORBIDDEN and will be punished according to the rules. It is not fair to collect stuffs while you are AFK so the punishment can lead up to Permanent IP Ban

    You may use only the autoclicker from DiabloMu.com client folder which is a normal autoclicker that only clicks inside MU window even while it is minimized so you can do anything you want on your deskto, browser or whatever you wish to.
    CyPher likes this.
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