Castel Siege-Skills,Items&Land of Trial

Discussion in 'Archive' started by zapphood, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. zapphood

    zapphood Member

    Dec 15, 2009
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    Dark Knight (Cresent Moon Slash)


    Character class : Blade Knight
    Skill attack power : 90
    Mana : 22
    AG : 15
    Attacking distance : 4
    Mechanics : The skill will be activated only in the Siege Warfare map during the battle

    Dark Wizard (Wind Blades)

    Character class : Soul Master
    Skill attack power : 90
    Mana : 150
    AG : 10
    Attacking distance : 46
    Characteristic : Double impact with one attack
    Mechanics : The skill will be activated only in the Siege Warfare map during the battle.

    Elf (Heaven arrow)

    Character class : Muse Elf
    Skill attack power : 120
    Mana : 20
    AG : 15
    Attacking distance : 8
    Mechanics : The skill will be activated only in the Siege Warfare map during the battle.

    Magic Gladiator (Spiral Slash)

    Character class : Magic Gladiator
    Skill attack power : 75
    Mana : 20
    AG : 15
    Attacking distance : 5
    Characteristic : Double slash attack with one attack
    Mechanics : Can be used when a sword is equipped

    Magic Gladiator (Mana Rays)

    Skill attack power : 85
    Mana : 130
    AG : 7
    Attacking distance : 6
    Characteristic : Double slash attack with one attack
    Mechanics : The skill will be activated only in the Siege Warfare map during the battle.
    Can be used when equipped with a staff.

    Dark Lord (Fire Spines)

    Character class : Dark Lord
    Skill attack power : 150
    Mana : 30
    AG : 10
    Attacking distance : 6
    Mechanics : The skill will be activated only in the Siege Warfare map during the battle.


    Potion of Bless and Potion of Soul

    These potions are required for destroying the castle gates and statues.

    Weapon durability rapidly deteriorates when attacking the castle gates and statues without first taking the potion, which greatly reduces the weapon's attack power.

    Characteristic of Potion of Bless


    * The duration of the effect is 60 seconds.
    * +20% damage increase is applied when attacking the castle gate and statue but it's not applicable in PvP.

    Characteristic of Potion of Soul


    * The duration of effect is 30 minutes.
    * Restore AG +8.
    * Increase defensive power from lightning and ice by 50%.
    * Increase attack speed +20.

    Creation method for potions

    * Talk to the Chaos goblin and select regular combination
    * Potion of Bless: 5 potions will be created using 1 Jewel of Bless; Potion of Soul: 5 potions will be created using 1 Jewel of Soul.
    * The zen requirement is 100,000 zen per Jewel of Bless and 50,000 zen per Jewel of Soul.
    o Ex. 10 potions will be created when 2 jewels are used and 25 potions will be created when 5 jewels are used.
    o If there is no extra space in the inventory the chaos mix will fail.

    * Potion of Bless and Potion of Soul can be used the same as regular potions by using the shortcut keys Q/W/E.
    o Shortcut key setting can be assigned by pressing Ctrl + Q/W/E while pointing the cursor over the corresponding item.

    Soldier NPC's

    * Because the invading team would be bigger than the defending team with 3 united guilds, the defending team has the option to use Soldier NPCs.
    * The defending team can purchase the Soldier NPCs in the castle. They can choose between an archer-type soldier or a spearman.
    * Soldier NPCs can also be purchased through the merchant NPC of the invading/defending teams.
    * Only the Guild Master and Assistant guild master can place Guard NPCs.
    * A maximum of 100 soldiers can be deployed at any time. Drop the soldiers at the desired location where they will be summoned as soon as the siege starts. They will start attacking the invading team as soon as they are summoned.





    ------------------- Romana

    Potion of Bless si Potion of Soul

    Aceste potiuni sunt necesare ptr a distruge mai repede portile castelului si statuile.

    * Durabilitatea armelor se scade rapid atunci cand ataci portile castelului sau statuile fara a lua in prealabil potiunea, ceea ce va duce la reducerea dmg'ului armei.

    Caracteristici ale Potion of Bless

    * Durata efectului sau este de 60 secunde.
    * Marirea damage'ului cu 20% atunci cand sunt atacate portile ori statuile, aceasta neafectand PvP'ul.

    Caracteristi ale Potion of Soul

    * Durata efectului sau este de 30 minute.
    * Restore AG +8.
    * Mareste apararea impotriva a lightning si ice cu 50%.
    * Mareste speed'ul cu +20.

    Metoda de creare a potiunilor

    * Mergi la Chaos goblin in Noria si selecteaza optiunea regular combinaton.
    * Potion of Bless: 5 potiuni vor fi create folosind 1 jwl of bless; Potion of Soul: 5 potiuni vor fi create folosind 1 jwl of soul.
    * Vor fi folositi de asemenea si 100 000 zen/jwl of bless si 50 000 zen/jwl of soul.
    o Ex. 10 potiuni vor fi create cand 2 jwl sunt folosite, respectiv 25 potiuni cand vor fi folosite 5 jwls.
    o Daca nu ai spatiul necesar in inventory combinatia va esua.

    * Potion of Bless si Potion of Soul pot fi folosite la fel ca celelalte potiuni, folosind shortcut keys Q/W/E.
    o Ptr aceasta apesi Ctrl + Q/W/E timp in care cursorul este peste itemul corespunzator.


    * Deoarece partea asediatoare este mai mare decat cea aparatoare, echipa ce apara castelul are posibilitatea de a folosi soldati.
    * Echipa aparatoare poate procura soldatii in castel. Pot alege intre tipul arcas si tipul scutier.
    * Soldatii pot fi de asemenea procurati prin intermediul comerciantilor echipei asediatoare/aparatoare.
    * Doar guild master'ul si assistant guild master'ul pot plasa soldatii.
    * Un maximum de 100 de soldati poate fi desfasurati oricand. Prin drop soldatii pot fi lasati in locatia dorita unde vor fi citati de indata ce asediul va incepe. Acestia vor incepe sa atace echipele asediatoare pe loc.

    Land of Trials

    * The castle lord of the winning team will be given authority to manage the Land of Trials.
    * The Land of Trials is an independent hunting area and regular players will be restricted from entering unless the castle lord allows entry.

    Basic settings

    * Click the guard NPC to enter to the Land of Trials.
    * The castle lord and his guild members can enter the zone without restrictions.
    * Regular players who do not belong to the castle lord's guild or allies may be restricted from entering the map depending on the castle lord's setting.
    * Using the warp command or M key is not applicable in the Land of Trials. (Entrance coordinates Valley of loren: 140, 101)
    * When a player gets killed in the Land of Trials he will respawn in Lorencia.


    * The castle lord can charge an entrance fee through the guard NPC or restrict players from entering the Land of Trials.


    -------------- Romana

    * Stapanul castelului are autoritatea asupra ariei Land of Trials.
    * Land of Trials este o zona independenta de restul hartilor, caracterele apartinand altei guilde/aliante decat cea care a castigat asediul pot avea accesul restrictionat aici.

    Setarile de baza

    * Selectati guard NPC'ul ptr a intra in zona Land of Trials.
    * Stapanul castelului si membrii guildei sale pot accesa zona fara restrictii.
    * Caracterele ce nu apartin guildei stapanului castelului sau guildelor din alianta sa pot avea accesul restrictionat aici, in functie de setarile facute de catre stapanul castelului.
    * Comanda de warp nu poate fi folosita ptr zona Land of Trials. (Intrarea este in Valley of loren: 140, 101)
    * Cand un player este omorat in zona the Land of Trials acesta va fi trimis in Lorencia.

    Monsters in the Land of Trials

    Axe Warrior


    A Warrior-type monster that also stands as the guard of the Land of Trials.

    Lizard Warrior


    The Lizard Warrior used to live in the Land of Trials. It became deformed after being cursed be Erohim. The Lizard Warrior brutally attacks its enemies and eats their remains.

    Poison Golem


    The Poison Golems disappeared after being cursed by Erohim and were reborn in the swamps, where they became mutated with the swamp's poison. They guard the Land of Trials with their strength and poisonous attack.

    Queen Bee


    The Queen Bee was resurrected by Erohim's power. She was born after drinking Bala's blood and sucks the blood of her victims. She has killed many an adventurer and has been called the mother of all monsters in the land.

    Fire Golem


    This monster has a powerful attack skill called the stone crusher. The Fire Golem 's heart is like a huge furnace, burning intensely and demolishing anything in its path. It will enslave any adventurer who makes the mistake of stepping in the Land of Trials.



    Long, long ago, Erohim committed a brutal murder, killing his master Bala. With this grave sin, he was sentenced to be locked up in the Land of Trials for all eternity. He has since ruled the Land of Trials and resurrected the bodies of its residents by using the Jewels of Guardian. He aims to expand his empire across the whole MU continent with his undead troops.

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