baboon bloody pker and insults

Discussion in 'Archive' started by psycho18, May 10, 2011.

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  1. psycho18

    psycho18 Member

    Dec 6, 2007
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    he came on my spot..30 minutes of pk...after he said me to go if i want to level..after he said that i am noob..i don't give a f*** if in his guild are some the of gm' fair and respect other players..or at least if you don't play fair just respect other people and don't act like a retarded kid..ty.

    here is the screen:
  2. iregados

    iregados Member

    May 6, 2011
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    probably..nothing will happen hehe
  3. Sunrise

    Sunrise Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    First of all this is report is an inconclusive one.
    Second one....PK is allowed d`ooh...It is a PVP server.
    And for the word "nub" there will not be ban.
    So..Next time try to read the rules.
  4. cpl

    cpl Supporter

    Oct 15, 2008
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    and you want ban for that??? loool :)))
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    iregados trying to pretend stupid with your post or what?

    And what the hell is with this report? You expect us to ban ppl for such reports and then accuse we are not fair? Fair to what? because he told you "nub" in a single line and not even the english word which is "noob" and means beginner ?
    Oh not to tell that your words are the first one in the pictures and translated goes like this "call me "nub" one more time"

    And whats up with TheOld?

    So you and TheOld are fine to use an incorrect spelled word "nub" but Baboon isn't right and he should get banned?

    Well some of you make me sick

    The only one retarded here is you boy and the one thats gonna get banned next time is you again because it seems you are the one that pretty don''t care about the rules here not to talk of your stupid language here on forum.

    If that guild has gm's as normal chars what? Wonder when some of you gonna grow the hell up and stop acting like kids accusing that "hey that guy is a gm" and he won't be punished when you come with some totally "retarded" ( as you said in your words ) reports.
    enm4nuel, Lion, andreey and 1 other person like this.
  6. PlsNoKs

    PlsNoKs Member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    I`m agree with you for all what`s happen here, except for one thing : if baboo is phonomaniac in that pic, maybe u can tell me how he warp to arena from that place 2st time`s?,next time ill bring pic.That`s not fair for all ppl.
  7. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Is not fair for all ppl to what? Not to THINK ?
    If baboon is phono in that pic that means he teleported in arena while he was phono? Can you use your damn brains?

    How about hes warped himself as normal pk status in arena and he started pking there while in this ss is still phone because of that? And arena is a place when you respawn in the same place if you die or sw char you "pro player"

    More than that JimmyCool haven't logged in since yesterday, but still i kinda don't get your post here Vip3erMagic. Sounds to me but you don't like to read the rules as well and as i see you are getting involved in discusses which doesn't concern you at all.

    Already told Psycho if i see another accusation like this from his side, among with such pathetic report hes gonna be permanently banned and some of you should start on thinking about too.

    Don't mix up normal char name with admin char name. Admin has it's own duties and has nothing to do with a normal character.

    In every damn game is the same story when some players know whats the normal char of the admin. If they don't like something they start acting like some pathetic jerks and start false accusations. Well tell you what, not on this server, not as long as every admin that made one single wrong step was banned by me. I don't need such specimens here so give up to false accusations just because you are pissed of of pk.

    Normal char can pk and can be banned.

    So ... false accusations, rude language, inadequate report, no rules readed and still having a cocky attitude ingame. Stick this in your mind once and for all, don't judge the admin after the normal char because that normal char isn't forbidden to pk or anything just because of that and you will get permanently banned because i can't start false accusations, not when i've got every single log in my face and there was no interraction betwenen normal char and admin char
    enm4nuel and Sunrise like this.
  8. Lion

    Lion Supporter

    Jan 19, 2009
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    When I did that? How can u say that if u were near Psyco?I was moving around arena and pk-ing everyone for about 1 hour.

    You accusing me of playing unfair but u not even read the rules :thumbdown:.

    Ps. If I'm logged in on website, it's take me 10sec to sw the server and to clearpk :smile:

    Pss. And stop accusing me of not playing fair everytime I pk u guys. That's the game, if u dont like it, dont play it :peace:.
    Diegah likes this.
  9. Anthoney12

    Anthoney12 The Childish One Supporter

    Sep 16, 2008
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    theres alot off player that complain about pking at the min SephiroTH not going to make a non pvp server so there no point saying you got pk cause the gm dont care lol if u notice this server it not in the top 50 on the top 100 mu online rank most of the players i level with or talk to always say they will never vote for this server cause the gm's dont care about player getting pked cause to them its a apart of the server i find it fun but some dont just gotta find another spot away from all the pkers an u will be fine till a non pvp never

    iv got vip i bought panda pet 2 times an other players killed it i get mad at time but the gm dont care so i just it on with it pointless getting mad over it cause nothing gonna change at all for now lol
  10. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    infact not. all topsites are corrupted and you don't vote because you are lazy ! About 2 years ago we were on 1, 2 and max 3 place in xtremetop, then ppl started to pay for votes and using votebots.

    Well excuse me if i won't be an idiot like those ppl are, but i'm not gonna use the same stupid cheat methods to gain votes. They got less ppl online and they gonna dissapear after few weeks or months so it doesn't matter at all

    Telling ppl are not voting because there is non-pvp server, how stupid is that .. why some of you can't think at all before writing some non-sense words?

    And if we don't open a non pvp server it means we don't care? Then there are about 80% servers where owners don't care because 80% of mu servers are pvp.

    Having a nonpvp and a pvp server will just split community and we know that since we had 4 different servers before season6. You are a new player so you don;t know anything. Assuming that don't make statemens you got no idea about.

    PK is part of game and everyone gonna tell you that. 90% of players are here for PK and if you can't stand this don't play simple as that.

    Even if you would lvlup on a nonpvp you will still stay more on the pvp one, not to talk about the fact that if someone gonna ks you you won't be able to do anything about that because you won't ble able to kill him so stop crying and use you brains first

    Also +warn for replying in a thread that doesn't concerns you at all. Don't be pathetic and tell gms don't care just because there won't be a non-pvp server. PvP brings the competition and more fun, crybabies should stay in safe town if they don't like that
    NightBlue and Diegah like this.
  11. Anthoney12

    Anthoney12 The Childish One Supporter

    Sep 16, 2008
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    How can u tell me i'm a new player when I've been playing since 2008! Thats when I quit and same goes with my sister so i suggest you get your facts right thank you very much. I remember when resets were nothing back in Season 3 I think and max stat was 65k and we were allowed to keep my points. Back then I remember having non-pk servers. Its not a split in the community its to prevent 'nubs' as you guys call it from getting excessively pk'd and not being able to do ANYTHING about it. Ridiculous.
  12. Diegah

    Diegah Member

    Dec 1, 2008
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    Ofc you can do something about, more lvls, more resets and problem solved! it isnt fun if one guy is afk on the same spot for days and u cant do anything x)
  13. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Thread closed, discussion is totally different from the subject , not to mention i've specified thounds of times not to post into report section if the thread isn't reffering to you
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