Well do u saw me using that thing? i know i talked about it but that not means i used it....anyways if is bad or i broking the rules me apologies i dk that....and i will add another think i dont use combo ! i can have the tool but that dont mean i use it ! again me apologies
Ads1551,you should know that I have the ability to hack this whole network down. He was probably just joking,chill.He didn't use it.
autocombo is just a macro software...... i dont kknow if its considered cheating, but i dont like it personaly :|
Every program that gives unfair advantage to specific program user is considered as cheating. And anyways, don't make jokes about hacks/scripts and that shit, remember when these few fellas got banned cuz they said that they sell f.o's, eventhough they didn't have any.
Aape answered it accurately. I don't want to think that gab is ignorant of the existing rules. As you can see, there are already alot of players/chars got banned because of this so called bluff. They should start to think twice.
.. actually, Sephi stated that these kind of "jokes" are not allowed - don't joke about selling FO - dont joke about being a hacker - dont joke about selling items for real money .. those were the rules of Sephi. and players should be careful not to do those kind of nonsense. @tudo... dude, if the server got hacked, you'll be the first suspect. thanks for bragging. but, i don't really get it to why you say such things. It's irrelevant to the issue.
Well guys i readed the rules carfeully whit my dad help cuz i dont undhestand some words on english i still learning and i know about my mistake I wass joking whit those guys just to kill some time i dont like troubles i prefer evade they...anyways im very sorry about this many people maybe want me ban but anyways I Say sorry if i still alive i be more carefull whit what I say ^_^ have a good day
@About this ... ppl were using it before both with auto pot. Until we change some things so we can introduce the new antihack system i won't ban foru using macro software. Ofc speed hacks or any others are now allowed and will be punished with IP ban @Later Edit onto Tudo comment He was just ironic , don t worry
Thanks sephi for the explanation...just wanted to check if stuff like that was allowed ...Keep up the good workers...and keep those wannabe hackers out ...again thanks mod could close this due to sephi ruling on the matter already...thanks