And another illegal entrance

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kratos, Apr 29, 2010.

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  1. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    he is in party with JENZOR but he did not teleport him in...or if he did i want to see screen during the 10 seconds i waited for in taking 2nd screen...


    and now him inside...

    I know it is hard to prove from screenshots and he probably won't get ban but i am just putting admin on watch b4 season 5 come out...that people are still using that patch...
  2. CyPher

    CyPher Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    It was decided that in season 5 entrences into cages will be alowed, and since there are only a few days left until we upgrade, no actions will be taken on cage entry matters from this point on
    Forneus likes this.
  3. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    i just want to point out that the rules for season 4 say this is illegal...even if season 5 is a couple days away it is still season 4 so season 4 rules should still be implemented...

    so since this ruling isn't following rules then i can go out and ks whomever i want...and nothing should happen cause s5 is coming...that is what you are saying is that almost anything goes until you upgrade...
  4. CyPher

    CyPher Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    Show me were i wrote that you can go and KS freely!
    I want to see where i sayed that.

    And i also want to know why there is no date and time on the first SS, and why didn't you even say the name of the Player you are reporting.

    Do you think we guiess? You did not point out the respective player's name to whom you are referring that he used the W7 patch + no date and time on the first picture,

    This alone leads to an inconclusive report!

    And when i sayed that the W7 cage entering part was discussed and decided it will be removed, you understood that you can KS freely?

    W7 arena cages was discussed, KS-ing and other rules were not, so dont make any conclusions by your self next time.

    We apreciate the report but you must accept the answer.
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    First of all we never banned someone entering cages from the first time. We always gived 1-2 warns so cut off this attitude

    Anyway this rule is impossible since entering cages is only client side ... and that is a webzen mistake that should be corrected.

    In S5 we fixed another webzen error about respawning in same point for stadium map ... which won t happen again but as for cages ... we'll leave them opened and maybe one day webzen will decide to block the entrances from server part. ( Maybe we ll even try to fix their stupid mistake as we did with stadium respawn after you die )
  6. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Yeah i know sephi...was just pointing it out...

    I was just making a point CyPher that it says on rules that W7 is not allowed in s4...and since it is still s4 that he should get warn...but since rules aren't be followed...what is stopping someone from ksing or doing something else against the rules and say that because admin didn't follow rule for this report because s5 was coming that they shouldn't get banned also?
  7. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    since the decision of W7 was made, the Game Masters did not pay anymore attention to it, because season 5 will be online in about 4 days.

    the rules will be modified again, some will be removed like the W7 one, some will be modified, you will see them once season 5 is up and running.

    players with problems have also been told to have patience and w8 for season 5 where their problems/errors will be nomore.

    there is no point in warning someone for something he will be alowed to do in 4 days.

    respect the decisions of the Staff and please have confidence.

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