Crusadius knows what was happening in this pic ^_^ . ( me and killswitch were laughing so hard ^^ ). Uploaded with This was reaching level 100 on a 3 xp server again ^_^ , after making a level 90 agility elf i realized i don't have auto spinner. Uploaded with Protecting destiny's magic gladiator which was auto looting , i was pretending to pick up the zen , after which i pked him ^_^ so he wouldn't get in trouble . Uploaded with I was so happy with this staff , that i had to show what boxes of kundun drop if you get lucky , thanks vengeance ^_^ . Uploaded with Enjoying them chaos castle times ^_^ . Uploaded with Here there was a major fun party going on by FATE members ^_^. Uploaded with Just letting people enjoy some screen shots , feel free to make your own thread ^_^ . I like to watch them screenies ^_^. Hope you enjoy, Yours truly PureSoul
"killing you guys" ^^, as you notice there are some no wingers , and you can't kill sm because of teleport , bk's you got no chance , you may have killed 1 player namely energy elf ^^ hhahahaah. you are pro crust
i cleared u all out while standing at the door... (are you trying to say i never killed you?) Failed to remember this? Thats when you called for backup from people that had already quit the game
i thought you might understand , that no one quit the game , and that was proven yesterday , when 12 players were online (w/o loriena and snow - "your members" which happen to be in fate ^^ ) how can you even assume that anyone called "backup" ? I mean how ignorant of you to think our guild wouldn't be at the first castle siege . Point is you had your chance , be a "man" or whatever and say gz , and go lvl up some more . Enjoy the castle siege and just be happy.
Haha, come on now Crusadius. Don't be a sore loser. So just because they weren't online for a week, they are forbidden from participating in the castle siege? They are all online now, are they not? We all know that FATE came, saw and conquered
The Saga continues . Uploaded with Uploaded with Uploaded with