2nd server...

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Selfless, Mar 3, 2013.

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  1. Selfless

    Selfless Member

    Dec 16, 2012
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    Hi all,

    As most of you have seen, Gix has increased the server capacity once again. It is good that we keep filling up the server to its capacity but since there are few if any parties on low/mid/high level maps...wouldn't it be more beneficial to have 2 separate servers so that there are spots for new characters as well instead of people just farming...

    I know this might also increase the people farming LT3/7 etc but this would also allow for a possibility of at least 1-2 spots being open somewhere instead of all taken by farmers...

    If we just keep increasing the server capacity nothing is going to change except a lot of ksing on spots

    Please consider this change as it might bring more people here
  2. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    Splitting up a server destroys a server. Only when one server cannot cope with the amount of players, a second server is needed. The server is running fine. No second server needed.
    Gix likes this.
  3. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Thank you for your interest Selfless but Terra has absolutely right here. No need for a second server, yet. Hopefully we will in the future

    I've seen servers with 100-150 players online max and 6 subservers which i find really bad as it splits the server population a lot.
  4. Selfless

    Selfless Member

    Dec 16, 2012
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    we don't have 100-150...we have 2-3 times that... and i'm not talking about multiple (5-6 main server) i'm talking about adding 1 more server that will allow for more spots for afking/partying because when everyone is online...server spots are packed and even if you can find one...someone comes along and kses you on the spot...has happened to me several times already within last 24 hours...

    you say a when a server can't handle the number of players online is when you need a second server...in my eyes when a server has maybe 1-2 spots open for high level characters after all the rest have been taken by pkers/ksers is when you need a secondary server to allow for people to keep leveling once they hit that level without having to go to LT7 or lower maps to take one of those maps...

    i've looked at other threads here...and i know that once you say something on a suggestion...you have made up your mind already but i'm just giving my opinion that this single server is becoming too packed for mid/high level players
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Selfless, i just gave an example on that number.

    Trust me that splitting up the server won't do any good and as i said, Terra got a point there. As for making up my mind on a suggestion please remember that if it's suggested it doesn't have to be followed as a must. Suggestions agreed by other players and that are possible for us to comply with, will always be accepted.

    Remember that the 500-600 active accounts are counted as active in 24 hours, not the current online players number.

    As i have said, hopefully more players will joj us and then we will need a second subserver soon and we will add it.
  6. Hopium

    Hopium Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    an old server i had played on had the main and 2 subserver and they added lahap etc to crywolf and all commerce was done on the siege server. was kinda interesting, is the post system on these files truly global or server specific?
  7. Selfless

    Selfless Member

    Dec 16, 2012
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    i know that is over 24 hours....but if you go online and get to level 120 or so where you would go LT3 to level...2 if not all 3 spots there are taken...and same with LT7 ... lt7 is almost 100% of the time taken ... atlans 2 doesn't have the best of spots for afking...and once you hit 220+ and are just starting out...you usually don't have a good set to go to higher maps...so you would need to sit low map and get 1 level per 2 days or something like that...

    There are rarely any parties anywhere...i know splitting server wouldn't help this but it would allow for people to find a spot hopefully...
  8. Selfless

    Selfless Member

    Dec 16, 2012
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    Is it possible to add spots to stadium and have them not drop anything but zen? that way the spots there would be just for exp and nothing else allowing for people to have spots when LT and other areas are filled with farmers...
  9. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    Hmm I see where you are coming from but you have to remember that KS, PK and everything in between is a part of mu. I know first hand that if I get killed while afk and asleep, and wake up to find I got killed, it's quite frustrating. But I guess it's frustrating for the people I PK also. It's just a viscous circle which comes with mu. This is not a single play game, it's multiplayer.
    DARKSEID likes this.
  10. Selfless

    Selfless Member

    Dec 16, 2012
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    yes i understand it is part of game...but there are so many people who don't care about success of server they play on...they just want to pk/ks because it makes them feel powerful...

    we need to get more spots to allow for low level people to level up without having to search for hours
  11. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    The thing you are searching for are more harsh penalties to PK'ing, not a new server :) If PK penalties were more strict, then people would think twice to PK you.
  12. Selfless

    Selfless Member

    Dec 16, 2012
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    I haven't been pked by anyone...but what i am trying to say is that there needs to be more spots in lt3/lt7/tarkan/aida...which will allow new players a chance to level up without worrying about ksing farmer characters
  13. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    Then I object, KS is part of the game, really.
  14. Selfless

    Selfless Member

    Dec 16, 2012
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    Everything that happens in game is part of game...but when you have people ksing newbies because they have a good spot and the person ksing has lvl 400 and just farming...there needs to be spots for the newbie so that they don't quit because of ksing P.O.S. ... i have seen this happen multiple times when i was leveling...
  15. Gavileitor

    Gavileitor Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    be a newbie is part of the game.
    Gix likes this.
  16. Selfless

    Selfless Member

    Dec 16, 2012
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    quit saying it is part of the game...that "excuse" could be used for anything and everything if the admin (of any server) didn't want to change anything ... i'm pretty sure you remember when you started to play along with all of the other players here...there were actually parties to level up...but now everyone is afk farming and not helping anyone...=all spots are taken and low level characters, if they are lucky enough to find a spot will be ksed out eventually...

    think about it this way...if you were to restart right now by yourself without an exc set and no help from your current guildmates...would you want to try and battle against a gaion/garuda emg for a spot in LT7 or against a rage fighter somewhere? the answer is probably no because you just want to level to afk...hopefully you understand what i am trying to say...there needs to be more spots for newbies in order to keep them here and not just leave after they reach the level to go lost tower
  17. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    This is turning into another direction and it's already leading towards flaming.

    If you cannot stand PK / KS then you probably should quit this game.
    Both Terra and Gavileitor are right here so what's the reason in contradicting with them? Everyone has it's own view over this game.

    No, there is not the time to open a secondary server and i was pretty clear on that. Reason was already explained.

    If it was a RR server then probably yes, but definetly not on a non-RR one like this. Also, there are plently of servers around and those are usually the old smart players that realize having a party of 5 on a high level spot (or spreaded to cover a large area) is a lot better than leveling alone in low level maps.

    As i can see, you cannot stand competition and being a newbie (a beginner) so in this case a second server will NOT change absolutely anything for you. Both Terra and Gavileitor were newbies like you but none of them complained. As Gavileitor said, being newbie is part of the game and from my point of view it's the best moment of this game when you actually have to do something instead of afking 24/7.

    We will add a secondary subserver if more players will join our server, otherwise there is no reason to break this community into half.
    Blaivas and Gavileitor like this.
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