Now let's see my pics ALONE ON SPOT Now the ks starts i mention that he never asked for party...
1st of all u where afk when i came to that spot , u woke up after 1 hour and start yelling i was afk so quiet don't make yourself a victim, how...
What's the real drop rate for ancients items in LOT cose i fight for lik 2 hours 0 ancient and gemstone i never saw even 1 since i play this...
Now u will catch 0. :D
BK rulle allways , then DL ,SM ,ELF and MG that's the order allways has been that order , the order on other server changed when pvp is ballanced...
No goldens tarkan atlans noria devias 9:20 invasion
din cate stiu eu mu are 4 rezoluti 640 , 800 ,1024 ,1280 si cam atata nush daca merge mai mare.
After 4 hours ¬ MU Wallet Credits Info Credits: 0 pls add my credits.
¬ MU Wallet Credits Info Credits: 0 every time same 0 at credits
I've changed my 311 i think it was online hours for 622 credits i think and in my wallet it shows 0 credits why ? i've lost all my online hours...
Same problem no gemstone drop and in k7 no guardian :(
What options has the items in MU Webshop are they excelent ? what opt they have? or the items are normals . Mistery Staff is for SM ?
I hate that exc item drop from u when u die, lame thing my ideea pls fix it.
I'm not acting like a kid the ideea was i cant fight since i get that error and DC , i told u that u can fix it or do something about that.
don't forget u got mg 7 points per lvl and 133 u r in arena so shhht quiet.
Today Canti pked me in arena and i whanted to return the favor every 1-2 minutes i fight him i get disconected from the game and i got...
Second time at kundun no items exc or ancient only normal items on server 1 viper bow and on server 2 vulcan gloves and zen , pls fix it is hard...
the map got 5 spots but only 4 mobs on them, would be nice to be 8 mobs per spot :D
I was today in kalima+7 hard to get 1 invite , after 40 min fighting Ancient of Kundun he died and gave me nothing he droped dragon knight...
Can u pls fix autocliker or at least make the winmode to work i need to be able to hide mu , i play from work , ty.
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