The server 3 no have rules, this is great? or not?
ks, ks, ks all days this man are idiot or wat?, all days ks in serv3, all days, please admin respod for this, is my second post for the ks and now...
say you ofert, and character name
and as I know myself that I will remove the spot? I like to make a screem when I'm alone, I guess I am? De todos modos gracias por avisarme, para...
is the second day that I remove the spot, I'm rotten to the abusive and I do not give up party, the entire server is free and always takes me...
where are my request?
hoooo cool, server 3 number of player max online?
yes, sorry
No man read, for lv2 wing you need up +9 use jewel for this, items ancient how to wing cc a noobs? in only 5 days playing, and cc drop pendal...
vip or not is the same, the difference is minimal, the only thing bothering no one walks, which are all mature and VIP are not fighting for a spot...
Here the explanation, you need to find items for the first wings, and you need a minimum 90 jewel, use items exe, drop stars in Devi. Buy ancient...
I playing for 25 days, mi player ZATANAZ have 33 reset en 5 days, is new, check this, this mu no are low exp, low exp is 4x or 7x, mu fast are...
say you ofert base, mail to ZATANAZ
have 1 for you free, mail to ZATANAZ
hi man, my ofert for 2 hammer is 600jwel + 1 wings lv3 DK/SM/Elf you choise!!+set saja vegueto +9+ref+dd+sr mail to ZATANAZ
do not listen to false tutorials, which got the maximum of% wing to create a level 3 is 40%, you got to use 1 items exe low level of many options...
Sorry this post no are for this thread, thx for you help :(
Sorry man, i confused, thx for you help, sorry i speaking spanish sorry, i are new user, sorry, mine is a misunderstanding, i use traductor, bad...
Remember my, i no are edit, read the rules
Separate names with a comma.