can i request diablo ultime hamer+fo for grand rr?
Account name: dooma Character name: d0ma Additional character name: doma Ammount of DM Coins: 154+ Virtual I Don't Know Status:NoN -...
Account name: dooma Character name: d0ma Additional character name:doma Ammount of DM Coins: 151 in game + Virtual I Don't Know Status: NoN...
Account name:dooma Character name: d0ma Ammount of DM Coins::100+ [In-Game DM Coin/s]+more on another charakters Status: NoN - Transfered...
Character name: d0ma Ammount of DM Coins:100 ingame Status: NoN - Transfered Character Grand Reset This Month: No Requests: 5 Items ( 100 DM...
this 2pots bad dont add opt plz
Account name: dooma Character name: d0ma Ammount of DM Coins: 40Virtual Status: NoN - Transfered Character Grand Reset This Month: No...
B>dragon or black dragon set+13+dsr or dd same opt =vgo pm d0ma or doma in game
B>dragon or black dragon set+13+dsr or dd (all same opt)=3lvl bk wings+9+ignor+luck +china sword+13+luck+28+edr+acc skull staff+acc bone pants+11...
B>2xSeason 4swords+13+edr or inc2% (2 same sword)=64harmony pm in game d0ma or doma
Account name: dooma Character name:d0ma Ammount of resets: 110 Status: NoN - Transfered Character Ammont of DM Coins:Take My Virtual DMcoins...
B>HYON SET=Duel Axe+13+luck+28+edr+Tiphon Staff+13+luck+edr+ancient bronze set+9+150jewels PM or Mail d0ma or doma in game
S>Hyon sword+13+28=Demonic Day Breaker+13+edr PM MY IN GAME OR MAIL MY d0ma or doma
B>HYON SET+13=1800jewels B>DIABLO HAMER+13+edr=400jewels
i offer for 2 your hamers 450jewels
dont have screanshot dont have but he is really hacker and all people know.You can ask all people all say he is hacker "THGRHS".BAN He...
Separate names with a comma.