the biggest nab on earth is Demon beuhehehe xDD...
Character name: OstryPL Ammount of DM Coins: virtual i dont know Status: NoN - Transfered Character Grand Reset This Month: No Requests: 1...
dumb hmm... gues wht donations is for all options .. now next resistance aren't working correct and atleast +9 wont be hurtable for donators and...
we will gain new link stay calm :)
heh co poniektorzy zyja jeszcze :)
Hmm clear ure char inventory make sw and check maybe some buged items stucked if not tell here about it again but u will have to clear ure stash...
umeaned could^^? hehe nvm hmm idea isnt such bad.... why? hmm do u pay money for resets? no? awww.. for dm coins? no? aww... so what hurt u...
Character name: Arkon Ammount of DM Coins: 0 + virtual Status: NoN - Transfered Character Grand Reset This Month: No Requests: 2 Items ( 40 DM...
date: 10.03.2009 scamer nick: tsimpinis scammed acount: not needed scamed nick: ArthasPL Scamed on: 600 jwls screens:...
Account name: 19kaczka20 Character name: ArthasPL Ammount of DM Coins: I Don't know Status: NoN - Transfered Character Grand Reset This Month:...
Big thx for help and support :)
okie Seph :)
aa k Seph :)
and i made "report" :) im just thinkin' wht will happens with 1Word?
If i can say something.. why 5 days not 2 days ban for such "bad" language? PS Elpolako wanted jwls for pt not for ksing... omg just think and...
hahahaha ^^ ppl come on.. ^^
Character name: ArthasPL Amount of DM coins: 12 Ingame + virtual I dont know Status: NoN - Transfered Character Grand Reset This Month: No...
Account name: 19kaczka20 Character name: ArthasPL , OstryPL Ammount of DM Coins: Virtual I Don't Know Status: NoN - Transfered Character Grand...
Account name: 19kaczka20 Character name: ArthasPL Additional character name: Ammount of DM Coins: 3+Virtual I Dont Know Status: NoN -...
Separate names with a comma.