La Multi Ani MUAddictive plp !!!!!! Si plecial pentru GhostMiau: Ghet a live!!!
Striga-l GhostMiau!!!!! asa il stiu tzi pe server
same all GhostMiau!!!!! Btv u didn't loose me ,,,I'm Renger!!! werry nice Guild bro,and Nicky im glad u make the guild preatty!!!
Account Name: daniel21 Caracter to reset: RoHan Item wanted: tower schild+0+full option
Account Name : daniel21 Caracter to reset : RoHan Item wanted: tower schild +0+full option
Don't make me the end its still a GAME!!!! GhostMiau ,,,,u will see me CS!!!!
account name: daniel21 caracter name :BlackDust item wanted : DarkSoul gloves+13+dsr+refl
Renger here,,,,ths guys for all!!!! Lets make 3 guilds that will Rock this Game GhostDog u Next
Ths all for u lovely words,,,,Ghostdog,,,,see u soon at CS,,,just be ready
Caracter name:Renger Item wanted;Shadow Gold sett+cape ,,2 BoneBlade's ,,pendant of lighting+ring of lighting +ring of earth
Ths honey,,, i have AllstarZ support,we just continue to be naughty......
letts see the server bigger and longer,,,,im in
Renger's guild is back soo..... Welcome all players and have fun!!!!
Account name: daniel21 Caracter for reset: Renger Item wanted: Knight Blade +0 +full option
Cheos Castel registration Hi Admins Guild master is BlackDust from guild DarkEvil Alliance Master nr1 is Centurio from AllStarz Alliance...
Hi ,my char name is Renger and my acc name is daniel21 i whould like wings of dragon Moved
Already connected Hi my char is Renger,and i got d/c in crywolf,now it says already connected
:confused: Pls help, i put 32775 on agi and my bk is buged
Separate names with a comma.