Iwant to change my request:)) Account name: Vidente Character name: VidentePL Additional character name: VidenteDL Ammount of DM Coins: 14 ingame...
Account name: Vidente Character name: VidentePL Additional character name: VidenteDL Ammount of DM Coins: 14 ingame + Virtual I Don't Know...
ok i didi it sry for problems
BK: Fortress Axe+3+SKILL+EDR --- 10 Jewels Dark Pheonix Helmet+L+REF --- 5 Jewels Art Of Battle Axe+SKILL+EDR --- 5 Jewels Ashcrow...
Sell Chaos set: Chaos Helmet+12+REF+ZEN Chaos Armor+12+REF+MANA Chaos Boots+12+REF+HP Chaos Pants+11+DD+HP Chaos Gloves+11+DD+MANA Give...
Akken has right. People buy item witch mana in order to later change too +ref+dsr.
Ok Sory and thx.
I have question. I have item witch 2 option and can I change one option in this item on another option too dm coins???:-ss
I not in Kratos guild.....
Now work:)
[IMG] KratosPL said in Polish language ,,Vidente cipa" This mean ,,Vidente pussy"
Sunlight boots sold.
I wish to make Chaos Set+13+L+DSR+REF+DD
Sell Ashcrow Set +13. Armor+13+20+luck+dsr Helm+13+20+luck+ref Pants+13+28+luck+ref Gloves+13+28+ref Boots+13+20+luck+mana Fortress Axe...
I have question about Kundun. At was time is Kundun and where i can find him ??
Armor+13+20+luck+dsr Helm+13+20+luck+ref Pants+13+28+luck+ref Gloves+13+28+ref Boots+13+20+luck+mana Need?? I want only 160 jewels
Ok i only information you about this.
I sure. Its not made by lags. I dont have lags when i kill golden. Its made by bugs. I just want to reapir this bug nothing more.
Hello everyone. When Event finish??
Ive done it already and sometime it work but yesterday and today it doesnt. Its not made by lags. It is 100%.
Separate names with a comma.