I used search I read everything what i can find ...about search he cant find nothing for me and sometimes he find something but not that i need...
So If u want i will move to other server where will be people happy to see me....and i didnt know that thing coz im new lol and that was Answer !...
ok Thanks.... Ill w8 4 season
I read that and it wans good explanation for me ... maybe i dont understood u good becouse im not perfect english man and if u arent lazy what...
This how fire scream can help to us ....and maybe i wont do my agility 65k :P so add FIRE SCREAM
but not almost :P Why other servers have fire scream but Diablo mu dont have? Even i can create server where can be fire scream
What answer i got? : Go to server 3? How i can go to server 3?
Hi......Please Add Fire Scream To Diablo mu he wont do nothing evil...add him in shop or in drop....maybe u can do that fire scream can work at...
ADD PRIEST.....Why u cannot add priest? We Need two Priest in Diablo..One Priest I can find but i cant talk with him becouse he is in Loading...
This Event are over? Last Post If not when he will be over? xD :D ;D =D XD 8D
not only Blade Master :D Duel Master, Grand Master....and others...Please Add Priest Devin he wont do nothing evil :)
Hello...I don't understand why DiabloMu don't have Priest...I know that this quest in this server don't need coz 3rd wings can wear with out this...
Hello...If anyone have this items write here ur price or PM me in Game : IcePhoeniX
I though that they are real in game...i read all about DM coins but dont read that they are virtual (sorry for my noob question) And good idea...
Thanks for Quick Answer... I saw so Quick Answers in forums first time in my life :D Good job
I'm From Latvia ;D
Thanks man...Now i know that in kalima are spot :) (I'm New here)
Hello...I am new in Diablo Mu and I like it very much so Thanks for this server...but i don't understand why I Don't receive DM coins by...
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