I cant answer to this question but i think that it is already okay :)
No point of double posting just wait..
yea sorry i saw it later.. sleepless night :)
Or.... you can go to Kanturu Tower and remove all of your items and let the mobs to kill you after that rejoin and it is DONE :) No point of...
Character name: PureHatred Ammount of DM Coins: 0 In Vault + Virtual I Don't Know Status: NoN - Transfered Character Grand Reset This Month: No...
Congratz :) It was a good fight Prepare for next CS ^_^
Character name: PureHatred Ammount of DM Coins: I dont know + Virtual I Don't Know Status: NoN - Transfered Character Grand Reset This Month:...
you have to wait until 30 and you should make a new request cuz your's is made on 15 so it will be deleted..
yep :) good luck mate ;)
dont worry you will wait until 30 March :)
like i love to say .. no risk no fun this is not the reason of the overpriced items.. the guys who give a lot of jwls for crap items and etc.....
you cant add 3rd option into item.. :)
you cant make request on 15 or 30 day of the month..
I dont know why you think that he is noob... but he deserve ban :)
Character name: PureHatred Ammount of resets: 115 Status: NoN - Transfered Character Ammont of DM Coins: Virtual I Don't Know Item Wanted : 20...
so.. i should make another request?
I've change it again.. sry ^_^ 20 Of Any Custom BOXs\ Treasure BOXs and I want to ask what kind of boxes ? afrodita and etc..?
I've change my mind I want black fenrir
Separate names with a comma.