era on si ma insulta pe mine la liber "aka" vostru + facea si ks...am vrut sa il postez sa ia ban si ptr insulta...dar l`am lasat pe copilu ala...
In primul rand Scorillo, casper si rydik au inceput de cand a parasit SQUAD alianta sa ma tot impinga de pe spoturi in arena IN SPECIAL SCORILLO...
maybe we getting old till someone will win the set..
just shut up noob...the best of the noobs HaoS..we are carefully at drop ;))...so we don`t miss jwl or anything else
thx faith
Morning all i`m back :) :D
buna mandolino :)
new word`paesant` i think that ur place where u live it is full by they or it is full with gypsy`s...entire world know that ...what is ur skin...
asa cum o floare aduce primavara ...ptr mine un cuvant aduce mai multe..nu-l baga nima in seama..sau sa vb cu prieteni lui
good day :))
Ooooo teacher u make a mistake `silece` hahaha and post where you have friends...oooooo no where...ups...you have much more enemies than...
apropo...naomi e taica-tu sau muma-ta..ca nu am fost la botezul lor...sau cumva esti neam cu elton john si george michael...ca semeni cu amandoi...
bai smeagol...poate ar trebui sa-ti ti gura..sau te bagi si tu in seama ca chilotzii-n cur ca multi alti..asa ca nu te mai da rotund troglodit ce...
da asa e.....revin in fortza...
maybe u `should` post in your ally...if u have it :))...ooo...nice to meet u teacher
when i dream tonight..i dream the set..;)))
set set set set set set...set x infinity
haos don`t be so greed
Separate names with a comma.