the AutoClicker.exe dont work to anyone when you do the new update now we cant use this clicker its not fear ! players that have +10 rr say to...
aa ok man =] i am a rage !!! haah i wanr the new skill and items =]
what no, when will be episode 2 and 3 ? we player will be deleted or what? all the server will be reset (delete) and start from begining?
ty for alll bro you help me now all good = ]
ok ty man i see you pm !
ok first of all ty you help me !! but you are gm that you give me this guide ?? i dont want to do mistake on up for nothing stats understand me...
i dont under stand youre guide man what is it ? 1st ? 2nd? 3rd? 4th? what is it this stuff exeplain it to me man !
i dont have trouble with RF man i need some gm say to me what stats up to RF !! all the playres say to me up "this and this and this" so what i...
oooo man and who say to you that RF DONT NEED VIT to up there who say to you up to STR?and ENNERGY ???!! whyy gm or admin dont give guideeee to...
man you dont understand me Admin Gm or someone like from manegers need to know how i manke powerfull Rage Fighter !! they are not talking only...
man i want Some Admin or Gm say what stats i need to use ENERGY,STR,VITA,AGI you say to me youre dmg but where i need to know that you are up...
yea man its bug i think i have it too !!! its not fear i kill there and got 7 points each lvl what to do admin ? ...
ok i have rage Fighter and have 1 reset now i lvl 370 i search so many time guide for rage and dont find ok than i ask in the game what stats need...
work =] ty
TODAY i was playing in the game and now i back from work and i want to play in the game but luncher dont let me in to the game its says loading...
tyyy man soo much ty !!!!!!!!!!!! ty brooo =] !!!!! i have now 1 reset now i up better =]
wow man thank you so to vitality (life) dont up stats? only for energy and STR ?
i am a Rage Fighter and i dont have guide i looking in google and no have noting!! what i need to up for rage for good dmg ? !! and what in need...
black smith haha i dont see any country in this name =/ haha and ty bro !
Ok look about what you say - you say that i need to be enough energy why?.. when i do reset then all state reset and i have to up only 350...
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