I forget to post. Yes, i installed W7 and now the MU works. Thanks for all :D
Hi SephiroTH. I use Windows XP Service Pack 3. And i dont have that file on my MuGuard folder. I tried installing the Client again, but no. That...
Doesnt work. And the process doesnt appear on task manager. Shooter, i said that nothing happens when i press start game, neither appears the...
Hi, i answer here to no repeat the post. I have that problem too, nothing happens when i press GAME START. =/ i tried all methods but it still...
Hola gente, bueno antes que nada me presento, mi nombre es Matías. Y acabo de bajar el cliente sin sound, lo instalé, todo bien. Pero a la hora de...
LOL.. if anyone have o know who sell a Gaion Storm Crown Armor, pls tell me.. i only need this now, because i give 47 jwls to Mgjwls for Boots +9,...
What about the Anubis Armor? anyone need say me and i dont sell it to other pj.. only tell me and i give u.. (if u need) :P i can connect...
Hey guys, today i kill 3 golden tantalos (box+5).. and they drops: volcano pants +hp volcano pants +zen ashcrow pants +dsr if anyone need any...
Aproacching this thread, to what hour go to be the next CS?.. here im Argentina the time is GTM -8 .. i want know the server time, thnx for all.
I go to talk in spanish to him, srry guys. JAJAJ Estaba bromeando todo bien cheee :D
hiii.. is anyone here? T_T
omg what it is? a monster i think.. or maybe is the effect or any disguise ring
i think her post was a copy of my post (? LOL ahahahaha.. saturday.. mm maybe i connect :D i go to kill all the alliance :rolleyes: hypnos...
ok durf thnx again man, now i go to sleep tomorrow i need to go at school.. here are the 01:25 am hehe.. i need to get up 6:00 am.. maybe i...
I really like this allianceeee :D:D:D I have 3 things for say to u alliance: First: Thnx to all for be good with me and thnx to Durfinruth,...
:D Hi all! i really like to see u here, now im in my house, but i can't play mu of here :( .. i really like the guild and all are friendlys.....
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