Where can you see how many virtual DM coins you have(because i dont know how many times i voted - at least 1 per day) and what can you purchase...
Man, you are just asking how to make them and there is a guide.And why they are not in the game , you can ask admins for that. Maybe you want to...
Poor suggestion imo, no offence mate but VIP are only for players which donate, there has better exp and drop and if you wont donate you have no...
771 > 770 :p
Man, we have such nice guide forum..check there first http://diablo-network.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2393
LoL ..spam wall hit hard :)
Where is server 1? When i log to the game only Ragnarok and vip servers are on the list.To me Ragnarok is better, but there no events and chaos...
I want to ask about Ragnarok server(PvP) - i saw that golden invasions are redused there.What does that mean - they have less golden mobs per...
welcome back :)
i'll try my luck too :P
Im still new to the server but i'll vote for ArrowStorm - answer always on my noobish questions and help a lot in game And for SephiroTH - for his...
I dont know Sephi, im voting through your link, logging there, choosing char and press vote. Dont know whats wrong.I'll vote as anonymous...
Tonight i voted when i was on lvl 349 and i became lvl 399, BUT expierence drop to lvl 1. Now on my expierence bar is shown...
Ok Sephi, just want to say that voting systems is a bit bugged over 350 lvl :) I was 358 when i voted , i became lvl 400 but with 52 points which...
Ok Sephi, im going to vote again and will see tonight what will be result (im at work atm). Yesterday i didnt receive exp., only lvls. Ahh...and...
Yes, Sephiroth, i received those 50 lvls, but my question was for expierence for these 50 lvls. Maybe i cant explain well, will try with example....
...about wings and voting. 1.i read here http://diablo-network.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1938 that for making lvl 1 wings we have to buy chaos...
Title says all. When i throw down boxes/stars i received some spear +14 and i cant drop it and cant sell it.It stuck in my inventory and take...
Separate names with a comma.