I want Condor Feather and 50 jwl for this!
Hello guyz. I want to buy: 2 armor DarkSteel+luck+option & 2 gloves DarkSteel+luck+option! Thanks!
Foarte buna treaba ai facut, ti-a reusit totul..merge perfect.;) Trebuia sa imi dau mai multe rr-uri cu BK-ul inainte sa bagi season 3, acum...
I don't need dark moon, i found 2 with 2%+edr.Yes i sell DK set +13, update with gloves+11..say you're prize here.Up!
Simplu'ca buna ziua daca vrei un server plin de CS.Daca ai redirect si ti cate 4-5 maxim pe zi ai serverul plin, 9-10 noaptea ai serverul plin.Ady...
Because server is down dude.:p Wait to fix problems and server will be online again.;)
Anubis i maked SET now... Update with: - Eplete pendant - Eplete shield - Eplete armor Dragon Knight SET: - Dragon Knight helm+13+ref+add+pink...
Joe pai fa cerere dupa model. :p Ady si pentru ce-i care vor doar sloturi, tot aici se posteaza?
Update with: Sunlight SET: - Helm+9+DD+DSR+pink option - Armor+9+ref+pink option - Gloves+9+luck+ref+pink option - Pants+9+REF+DD+pink option -...
Ok bLoOdzZz. List update with: - Serpent shield+9+luck+ref - Storm Crow Armor+luck+ref - Storm Crow boots+luck+ref - Storm Crow...
RO: Nu ii dau fara pants..il dau complet daca il dau, daca nu..il tin eu!:) EN: If you need someting say price not ask "How much?"..thanks.;)
250 jewel for Sunlight SET, because is a GOOD SET for DL. List update with: - Dragon shield+11+luck+DD+DSR - Dragon shield+luck+DD - Dragon...
Selling items ANCIENT: - Anubis ring - Garuda pants+11 - Evis Pants+9 - Evis Boots+9 - Garuda pants+11 - Garuda gloves+11 - Apollo ring - Heras...
I'm sorry but i didn't saw what you write there up,I was thinking that you don't know how to enter with 2 users over vista...and no,doesn't work...
I got vista too and work with 2 accounts.:) Go to Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts and Family Safety (Add or remove user accounts) and...
For the guild members of invading/defending teams, there's a display of the siege status (mini map) at the lower right side of their screen....
Separate names with a comma.