just 2 option sets dsr+ref or dsr+dd
or a Dragon Knight Set+13+dsr+dd, and i`ll add ancientss&jwls
don`t need hyon, only exc sets
come on ppl
not even 2 items?
leave ur offers here or letter me ing nemesisTM
Character name: nemesisTM Ammount of DM Coins: 3 + Virtual I Don't Know Status: NoN - Transfered Character Grand Reset This Month: No...
Character name: zBzz Ammount of resets: 65 Status: Transfered Character / NoN - NonTransfered Character Ammont of DM Coins: 0 Ingame DM Coins...
why some ppl feel the need to post just for fun???
2.000 jwls if the add is still on
leave ur offers and price here
need any items or just jwls for the set?
1812 ..is this thing on? :)
up up
it can be lether, plate, bronze, dragon, black dragon, dark pheonix msg me here or ign nemesisTM
1. +13+28+edr+incc wizz dmg/lvl 2. +12+edr+2% leave ur offers here, or a letter ign nemesisTM
i`m not playing anymore, i i`ll enter sometimes i'll give u the items 4 free
Separate names with a comma.