I want to be active too,pls unban me.
Nothing better then raging RF. I think you are mad,sir. Physical work or any sport will make you feel better. You can become gorilla in real world...
Waste of time posting but still.I agree bm pvp damage seems low due to double dd sets, rest looks like a joke to me. If you cant control your...
i love this crying when someone kill RF. Easy level then wants easy kill. Gorilla logic. Get stuned and wait for die-reality. This goes to all 1...
I would like see changes, but not expecting many replies here, since most of the players who are still playing use RF.
Step down from the clouds, afk 24/7 in swamp and now bossing others.Cmon. It must be really fun if nobody cant even take 1k sd from you.Try...
Sir, you were leveling afk your character for 1 year and now asking for fun. Because no one else is allowed to come on your level. And if anyone...
B> excellent Daybreak+L Mail me: MichaeL :w00t:
Thanks for scamming MarvinAE, im expecting you will tell me some childish excuse again. No respect to players, no loyalty to guild. Dont make...
Or you should start working and buy things from X-shop, like the game is played nowadays. Str DL bad build, but NT. You can avoid this problem,...
+1 for disable guardian did u change AE damage? takes quite long to kill dark mobs in lacleon. Or is it just me... I am used that mobs die a bit...
Completely modified, the biggest difference on pvp defense/attack rates, for example 20/20 is 1700 def rate meanwhile on global is 4500. Must love...
-nice to see another support fan player, good luck u wont be respected -EE is not real support character here, can do big damage alone -i want go...
bah this game is so messed now, why you need friends for hunt if u can do all alone-.- But GG if this satisfy you.
Stop tryharding, this is not the real mu except skin, so things dont have to work as it looks.
6. you know pretty much nothing about MU 8. you dont seem the 1 who is helping others, more like take all, give nothing
Gix, I am kindly asking, can you post the formula of Swell life. My % of swell is not moving up.
RF will always be hated because everyone can play it and there is no difference between them. And their duels are boring, what you show if duel...
Energy Elf has really low speed for giving buffs. Speed is not changing if she is wearing gloves, bow,kris or none of them.
With such absorb on Guardian PVP is all about RF.Then we(players) need to read their thoughts about heroes,xena and hercules and how we are all...
Separate names with a comma.