hes not so fat at all im 125 kg
this is me and my new tatto [IMG]
lol man where is the print with you alone on the spot the party deny ho tels the admin you making ks to a afk guy
dont now he says to me but i dont like it [img=http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/1977/screen020105220000px2.th.jpg]...
BOOMAXXX look and learn how a player try to hack me [img=http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4494/screen013106200009lu3.th.jpg]...
lol for a bk full stats dd dsr is ...... beter is ref dsr for sm full dd ref for elf full dd dsr dl full ref dsr mg full dd dsr summoner not...
be careful where you enter they r fake sites of diablo network......like (censored website)
oh boy i now mu like my pokets but i have a fun life a drunk life :P:D
Account name: sacon Character name:DarkRider Ammount of resets: 60 Status: NoN - Transfered Character Ammont of DM Coins: 60 Item...
Account name: sacon Character name: Encorda Ammount of DM Coins: 60+ Virtual I Don't Know Status: NoN - Transfered Character Grand Reset This...
Account name: sacon Character name: DarkRider Ammount of resets: 60 Ammont of DM Coins: 60 + Virtual I Don't Know Items whanted : -pendant...
dude ... nice car Epic and nice to meet you ;)
1047 going to die
i will be the last remaining
781 lets do it
to late im the last
sofa when i
Reborn The Olympian guild will be reborn today
DarkRider is back in action Gata mam intors dintr-o lunga pauza care chiar a durat prea mult P.S. nu imi stati in cale nu ma uit pe...
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