lol, it is in general discussion so you dont have to suppose ... dont take my last question too seriously, its just a funny question for people to...
when i opened the box, i saw my kids had grown up into charming ladies ...
I'm disappointed to see RF is flooding the server =.=" ... The RF's appearance simply destructed the balance of the classes. It would never be...
This is the old scheme, its a bit diff nowadays, and ofc, depends on the server's settings.
AA weapons drops from BOK+5 if i'm not wrong. No, you have to find it urself, or ask some1 to help. It drops in tarkan 1, and even hydra drops it.
Yes, thank you. This is what i were looking for. Maybe the requirement for my stick changed. and its not raising the spells ... Before, when i...
when its changed already, can u show me how to take SS of dmg i previously did to mobs ? Did u guys even "think" when saying "where is your SS ?"...
lol , u mean we need to make video of slaying selupan to prove it drops nothing ? lmfao ...
Did GM apply any fix to the spells of Summoners ? All summoner's spells suffered a massive decrease in dmg to mobs , what the hell is going on ?...
nice, but any confirmation from mod, or gm or Gix ? :)
I am wondering where all the ingame GMs have gone ... Mortivore, Alundra etc ...
well, so , its all default thanks,
1 vote for firesnow, i see nothing reasonable and understandable in jimmy's conclusion "Lazy ppl" ... lol , and yes, firesnow's 1st post maybe...
May we have a Server detailed rates for examples: jols rate, CM rates for 14, 15 .. .etc ? like we had before on ss4 ? thanks
u re welcome :)
i think as soon as possible is good :), we already had 2 ppl ith 400lvl
sad to hear
Prices of scroll of archangel / blood bones / devil keys/ devil eyes / are about 166k zen. But when we sell it the shop, we only receive 16k zen only.
Hi, Vip acc in happy hour receives the same exp as normal hour, aka, without 2x in happy hour. please have a look
yes, i second that, the berserker is still the same, not working at all
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