Did you play mu ever before ^^ another usles post by Trafit
I'm just wanna add that Cape RF have bug same like DL By Gix: RF cape works fine as someome tested few min ago. Obviously 2nd level is not a...
wrong forum i think ^^ this is 10xp serwer no rr :)
Read carefully all posts before you write something
Athene you are totally wrong and you waste space on this topic :) First of all my words weren't just to Gix but to everyone on this forum, maybe...
Is it possible that I can not use fruits because I m use the Scroll of Quickness (+15speed) ?
http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/486899_10151184727352622_2023852513_n.jpg MG (socket set)
Sorry Gix, nick BUCZ3R
Hi, RF cannot use fruits. I think the bug is in q3 (Fist Master Quest) detected by the fact when I got it taken 40 points to statistics, 40 to...
I sometimes have the same problem. There often comes out an error 004 How i was fixing that ? Extract client again and work well till next...
http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/523903_10151181965192622_1710382822_n.jpg SM :))
By what right can you call someone worse because it comes from another country, I hate racism !! Look at your self putin kid
Ofcourse i challenge for duel other RF's :) Im not Vietname ^^ im from Poland, And the second thing is Dark and BUCZ3R is 2 different person ^^ i...
Im doing 3 ML in about 9/10h when i left afk in swamp im use demon vip and seal. :) and good build ^^
Omg ^^ my wife ask me to exp with here in swamp so i go :) understand now ? :/
I never have party from Dark ^^ im exp in swamp solo from 340lvl im there, and no move nowhere becouze off Gens Quest's :)
why someon not ban him for spam, he have something to say in all posts. I have same drop socket items no luck 1/2s
http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/10592_10151176815437622_2095187573_n.jpg High Elf
Hi I wanna add one of bug what i think i've found. Cape RF not absorb like should do. Cape rf+0 has same absorb like cape +9 or more :( i check...
RF not wear ice rings
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