Last edited by JimmyCool; Today at 09:10 PM. Reason: language Congratulations Jimmy :) i see that U have a sanse of humor :) delate my post...
JimmyCool is the best
I'm just a moron.
(behave kid and use an adequate language. we do not tolerate such words around) Ask questions, then shut the topic? A very adult behavior,...
every serv has their own problems, our too. But the only problem now is, that most players are bored of watching 24/7 the same spot, the same...
Elther pleas read all post :) We are talking about S4 not 6 :P
I'm after Avanger, new Sezon would be nice. Our guild agree with that. maby Sezon 4 ? no arena, no npvp, +500pkt after every rr with clering...
and more :)
I have log on today on forum and sow real funny/stupid new threats, so : 1. making...
Night read please: OK, if everybody knows everyone passes, but it's not fair to play on somebody's acc because i'm to week, so i will...
hmmmm, something like this ?? 1.
1. 2.
enought is enught 1. <a href=>Pekakan.jpg</a> 2....
moze sie przydac temacik na forum, jakby ktoś się zastanawaił czy grają tu Polacy :) Tak gramy, i jesteśmy dobzi w te klocki :)
I want to introduce myself as Game Master. 1. Name - Adam 2. Age - 29 3. Country - Poland 4. GMT - +1:00 5. In-Game Name: SM-Frost3,...
zalezy gdzie :)
need ally ?? :)
Can't be done :( still in my inventory. Some other sugestions maby ?
Hello, I have a problem with my inventory, I have bought on ViP Q items, and now i can't get them out from my Inventory. I can't sell it,...
Separate names with a comma.