hello DarkSiders, cookies only for our ally :harhar:
i do not think you should doubt ax,is a very very honest and loyal player of this server Mod Edit: It`s not about doubts or anything...
hello darksiders woriors, we have cookies, come to maya srv 2 ^^ every time^^...............
after season 6 i would like to be continued with season 7 to move forward and not back in season 3 cose we must to regard in the future, but that...
hello Tito, what can i say? im very fine, only weather its bad, in Romania snow that reached 5-6 meters (in some localities) are uncomfortable...
same i heard................will see
i brought some evidence and i asked you to do your job fairy, its so much? for the rest i dont care what u think about...
read here ==>> http://forum.gamefobia.com/showthread.php?t=476768&highlight=language damn it nikita how many warning? again and again warning?...
[IMG] vacation on Hawaii ??
damn it wiizz u read all and u understanding that dialog ? in my opinion u dont understand very much considering what decision you made. go...
that its all?? damn it and for RespectAllPlayers language on forum nothing ? u tolerated all he said? all bulshit ?? for what? i cant understanding
first of all use English into this section, second with this language and an attitude you do not have what to look for in our community PS i...
damn it rules are very simple?? for who ? for u nikita or for players?? rules are rules for everyone and you gave bann only for words not for...
some words i heard to many time but i dont make report, in every phrase they use insults like that and more and it is to much [IMG]
damn it sure its inconclusive, where is it date,hour,minutes and server ??? nikita rules are rules for everybody, any player must provide evidence...
ai dat GR si ai cuparat doar o pereche de boots? si nu mai ai credite? ai luat 10000 si tind sa cred ca ai mai cumparat din cele 10000 de credite...
poti fi mai explicit? v-a mutat de unde pana unde? pe 2-3-4 din acelasi guild? vrei sa spui ca sa razbunat pe voi?
damniiitttt forever PM its not punishable :doh:
Nevasta-mea m-a incurajat sa-mi caut o chestie pentru marirea penisului. Am gasit-o, am probat-o si rezultatul e rapid si fantastic. In plus,...
damn it ....read here dude===>>>Servers Maintenances & Reboots - All downtimes will be announced in this thread
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