Why do you say the gameplay is the same as d1? they havent changed much of the gameplay in d2 either... Or your point is that it hasnt evolved...
To me the whole donation thing is stupid. The process of looking for new better items and trying to raise them is at least 50% of the fun of the...
[IMG] Yeah... thanks! ^^ P.S. kristin3l just told me that he has a weapon +13 and wings +15 and he cant trade them either.
I have some wings +15 and if i try to trade them, i cant. Also, some in-game events would be nice. ^^
Since i was asked... I never said you told some people to be ass kissers. But some people are like that naturally. For exemple, when SephiroTH is...
+1 to what StoneCold said I'm happy that there sill are moderators that can see the both sides and not only suck-up to the "boss".
I was sure it was going to come to this, and many people left(& will leave) because of this(things that SleepLess said and many other stuff). I...
Sunday when i was at CS i was damaging everyone(enemy/ally/guildmate) with my spell without pressing CTRL. And from what i understood the other...
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C0IRVOSY It's an autoclicker and it works perfectly.
This will be my last post regarding bugs. "re-download client and apply the patch w/o modifying any files. The game should crash by killing a mob...
About the autoclicker: By SephiroTH "Actually it's working. You are using the new elite and avanta clicker including it's autoloot which is...
The Foreign Staff is still not working as it should. Here's a comparison with an Chromatic Staff+11: [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] So the Foreign Staff...
4. The Gaion Event is kinda bugged, at times it happends to take your letter and not teleport you, or if he teleports you, the event might end in...
3.Ok, the moss did appear this time, but i still have no staff. (cant edit anymore)
Since i dont wanna make too many threads i'll post here quick questions/problems i have... 1.I have in my inventory some Dark Blue Storm Gloves...
Haha, nice one! My mana dropped to 16, i guess it went just with 16 over the top so "i didnt had enough mana to cast spells". Thanks!
Ok, so all of the sudden my right click doesnt work in game. I dont remember doing anything special... It doesnt work with the autoclicker, it...
Actually it isnt working... 2 of my friends have the same problem, also mine seems to stop for a second from time to time and that's only since...
Oh, wow! I'm so glad that admins are posting without thinking on stuff that costs money.
I'm still waiting for an answer since i dont wanna lose my staff...
Separate names with a comma.