unapproved to protect the server, this is a private matter and should not be used as an excuse to leave or to make other players leave.. you may...
merged. Happy Hour is event which doubles the experience gained for 1 hour. i havent seen either one of the events taking place myself, so...
enought with spamming suggestions topic! and demona watch your language, if it wouldnt be easter i would personally punish you for bad language.
bump! the event hasnt ended yet so keep on advertising!
i told GodofWar to send a confirmation email, and after some time we received an email. it said "this is confirmation mail." now im rather...
I believe i told you i did not disconnect your characters even though you insist i did. If you want further proof ask SephiroTH to check logs....
if you dont get any kind of error message and the screen just flashes then you need to update your graphics drivers
what kind of error message you get? or do you get any kind error message?
nice intro syn : )) and loving your car,volvo for the win^^ (driving deep blue s40 myself)
By agreeing to our rules you agree NOT TO PROMOTE ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES. He received a warning from me before regarding his avatar and signature,now...
i believe both players and staff have told you several times that autolooting will not be allowed here so do not open threads about allowing...
bumper has been caught before several times violating rule #9. punishment will be discussed today. until then TC.
enought with flaming and attitude defending cheaters. if all of you made it clear to fellow players that autolooting or for that matter any kind...
clearly enought this is violation of rule #9 i'll leave punishment up to SephiroTH and close the topic till then to prevent further...
One thing that will never be allowed on our servers is autolooting,so stop suggesting allowing it in every single suggestion thread james. Other...
imo current rates are more than enought. anyone remember old gmo?there it took WHOLE DAY,24 hours to get from level 56 to 60 anyone coming from...
here [img] and before anyone asks,yes its going to take some time for us to write or edit existing guides up to date.
how about reading the news before asking? blizzpoint system was activated couple of hours ago,you gain them by staying online 4hours=1point
Separate names with a comma.