Hehe... I know that. Simple, admin is admin, game master is same player but with higher rank given by admin.
That sentence mean that admin is responsible for all "data", but palyer comes only to play there, and he doesnt care about that. And if admin done...
Not autolooting... full botted character was Kainon, he leveled since 1 to 400 himself. Like you I love to create things, because people like me...
You are with eagle eye dude, :thumbup: I ll say, game would be much better if everywhere would be admins as you are. Because in game would be...
But do u agree that with no purpose there is no interesting to play, I mean competition with some bad guy who killed you many times, and now u...
Hello! My ingame name is "Kainon" Im C++ programmer and I love MU, Im playing it for many years. I d like to give own opinion about this MU....
... Did PM and wrote many times ingame, but still nothing... mabe ur too busy? :unsure:
Ty for understanding... really fast answer, didnt even expect :) Warning accepted, I wount use pro any more!
sry Im new player... and Im first time on this forum:)
(Ingame nikname "Kainon") Im upset because having problem ingame. Saw beautiful sign that its possible makeing items to +15. SO I did it, started...
Separate names with a comma.