Trade sm wings +15 lk+3 opt and viper staff +15 lk+3opt for shining scepter and cape lvl 3 same opt !!! :whistling:
Moonstone cade in harti mici . In devias 3 cade cel mai repede . Rata este mai buna ca la CM ..dar si mai buna cu VIP. :P Bafta Naz ! :D Ce nu...
You have the in game disconnect problem . Read here it will help you . Same try to do these...
Hi ! 1.I don't get my on line hours . 2. After I've put some master points on expansion of wizardry I can't use the skill on autobuffer . Can...
:( loose 4 hours for a no so fun quest .. isn't funny at all !!! And I play for fun !
it is something wrong with my char ? i know i ve had a couple years ago such a bug with devias quest .. and than was a char problem
..and from icarus and aida drop from first shoot
yes .. of course
Hi! I have a problem . I've spent 2 hours on non pvp server and other 2 hours on pvp server in tarkan 2 for quest item and didn't drop . It is...
i have same problem .. the game crash without any error or mjg after 5 20 min . My OS is and Microsoft xp
Merci ! Ochi care nu se vad se uita :thumbup:
Salut ! Stie si vrea cineva sa explice cum se foloseste Helperul din MU ? Am incercat sa il setez dar nu numai ca nu porneste dar acum dupa 2 3...
Hi !! Zece here :) Delete Ares .. Glad to see a wipe and new season around here !
On site sais 8.000 points ... ?!:whistling: and how manny stats points ..only 5000 ?
another day ..same s...t ..dont work !
On what server works ? because on server nonpvp is not working
Carnage event~! Hi! I ve been there for 10 times ..on server 1 .. never worked . !!!
:ban:hi ... hey Sephiroth ....when you will give the set the end of the age? :tt2::rotflmao::spam::ban:
Happy new year !
I wish you all the best ..and Merry Christmas ! :thumbup::rotflmao:
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