Hi i would like to know if its possible to run mu smoothly on virtual pc(windows xp mode) since i cant run it on windows 7
Win7 32bits and ati 3400 HD radeon
nice support...
tried and doesnt work
i start launcher but when i click game start button nothing happens,only mu guard thing appears then dissapears
seriously dude you get ofended by that?how old are you?5? grow up and be a man.you guys report everything
sorry if i offended you
lol now i want to know what i said... just get blocked character and no explanation.nice
Hi.When i login into the game to choose the character i want to play i cant choose my Rage Fighter cause it says its blocked. Can admins give an...
I went to moss event today and i had more than 20 renas on my inventory. Moss took all my renas for 1 item. Is this meant to happen or should be...
i cant login wow i am 326lvl 1rr. i was 2rr 300 lvl just now how many days was that rollback?
server off?
walk to barracks from crywolf?
Sephiroth, you guys fixed that visual bug on rage fighter character stats but as i can see energy is supposed to increase Dark Side spell and...
Ok this is what i found from another server http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=n2n3mh&s=7 As you can see energy increases dark side skill as well...
I need an answer from admins about this. There is few information about Rage Fighter
omg...fratczak add stamina and watch ur damage grow nab.dont talk about what you dont know Just need to fix energy as it doesnt add skill damage...
@fratczak you dont know what you talk about.Rage Fighter gets damage by adding Stamina(Check the minute 1:14 of the video).And Skill damage by...
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