Player Name: BRSop Server: x100 Type of Hack/Scam/Bug Abuse: Bad Langiage Description/Proof:
to make it more clear i want to see where is specified that a player is not alowed to pk another player on pvp maps?second of all what means...
stop complaining ,is a pvp server .and second is a competition betwen guilds ,i find it normal that somebody kill you to not lvl up ,why he/she...
any gm gives an explanation here? or is not interesting?why you advertise things you dont make it?goldens for vip=0 ,party xp bonus =0 (if alone...
so finally there is no advantage after 8 resets ,no? is better you lvl up alone ,so there is no party xp .party xp means in my opinionif alone i...
considering the fact that more and mor epeople play on stadium 2 i think it will be necesary to change some of the spots with better one...
i can see you hav eso many offers good luck
20 bless 20 soul 20 rena 5 chaos 5 life pm Thund3R or leave reply here
if the guild masters they made war between guilds why they speak like that if i kill them ?? ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting...
i dont want to be impolite Jimmy i know what i have to do for set ,but i am talking about drop .the drop is awful comparing with xp of the server...
this is for admins owners everybody in charge of server .for example profmu has 34 resets in 10 days since server is on ,in another 10 he is full...
BUgs weapon in bc 6 ,and 8 does not drop most of the time . goldens in swamp for vip nobody has found from people who has vip
oricum ei exagereaza inteleg ca este un server pvp dar Baboon si Kaboon si Darkmaui exagereaza frate ,sa iti dea unu pk juma de ora nu e prea...
thank you guys from fane and jany.i like you were fast.thanks
you again!mrrrrrrrr
last one!!!!! ha ah ah
hello, account CheGuevara caracter white , cant acces my caracter , thx Solved!
caracter error hello account name CheGuevara caracter name white cant acces the caracter .thanks hope see you in the game soon Solved!
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