i don`t ban people for sayin the word "nob" one time. people are calling eachother in game noobs all the time is a very used word .
bump !!
read here http://diablo-network.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17855
we gonna do an event event tonight 12.02.2010 at 21.00 gmt+2 is gonna be same event made 2 times : first on svr 3 then on svr 1 to participate a...
maybe you should study them more harder ! he interuped the event and acuzing the MM staff that they make SS in photoshop + is more then you see in...
Emyly and ExcMan > they interrupted admin event , started making false acuzations and then insulting admins , here are some prints [IMG] [IMG]...
@ his second account banned now also ! http://a.imagehost.org/0434/Screen_02_07-17_560004.jpg http://a.imagehost.org/0644/Screen_02_07-17_570005.jpg
Luxemburg, Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Hertegovina, România, Franţa în Grupa D! daca nici acum nu ne calificam mai bine nationala se retrage de la...
hit :D next person has hairy legs =))
180 : Teams : 70 Titans ::::::::::::::::::::::::: vs :::::::::::::::::::::::: Minions mando...
first dare event was a succes ! here you can see the event facs final score : titans 175 - carnaciorii 65 - fun race 4 players - 1 place:...
yes it seems he was using bad words on all the players including me [IMG] @ account banned ! ps : bkaryougoo and DaNG3RBoY same player
[IMG] he kept using bad language with players & admins on and on then he sw to another char doing the same thing @ account banned !! @moved to...
we will try to make this event first time on 18. 01. 2010 at 22:00 gmt +2 players make your teams and register ! ps : if just one team register...
take a look > http://diablo-network.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15926
Separate names with a comma.