i have a question season 3 wings can i get in GR
speaking of jobs i was just offered a job to go to HP in India do i go or stay
lol and post and post
we need more to talk about it were going to have to wait
lol i thought so you are pretty
lol boo.......
yall yall need to stop writing this so i can win this
love is special is it possible to become family with anyone that you care for i never intend to hurt any one strongest well it you want to...
ther is no time like this time i think that you need to know that there is no time like the present to make yourself a winner the Question is...
love to all and peace in this world well I am happy, lonely, and just want to be loved it is easy to have answers but it is hard to have...
just leave me a pm hear of pm yashine in game:) :) :p :o :cool:
gusty i want a alliance have you thought about even the thought that i need to build and i will have time to do all this if i have helpif you...
i still wnat this itf there was ever a chance i want it i just wish i knew when it was going to end
lol kind hard to lead why you get banned
i think your wrong cent accoring to the pic she is no were near you so how is that possible
ya crooked check all my paositing they are the one that are crooked if you in that guild get out and stay away from thenm really the are not...
can you tell me how to delete my char it ask for an id #
you aught to know you pkme when i first gont there you did not care you just dd it \\ and you know what is said about that you did not get kick out
you have allways you have never treated me bad but your still with allstars and that is my pain they all hate me they wont party me as a...
lol that is not my point my point is if she leave i will no longer will keep star playing i wont leave but i will find truth and happyness...
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