OK so here is the new link www.megaupload.com/?d=EP7XIJX9 100%virus free (virus total scan report)
hi Seph ...here is a link to my uploaded file or
Hmmm Hi SEPH!! I tryed to instal Mu on Linux (Ubuntu 11.04 natty) using vine but it isn't start ,so i decide to instal a win 7 in virtual box and...
Sephiroth you try this version on Linux?--I using Ubuntu 11.4 natty and it work not for me--.waiting for any ideea cose season 3 is great and i...
Hi Combo -is good to have you back among us-and good to see you solve your financiary problems-this kind of shit is happens sadly this days :(...
OK so the good old time is back again no? I start allover with litleFOX my BK hoping get more rr soon :)
hmmmm! Salutare allz:)---ma bag si io sa vad cum e Bafta!!!
Exi i agree with you :)--is a lot of sm afk-ing on server--but again i think a few bk spot is not a bad ideea:P
...yep! I agree with Felixy--and we need more bk spot becose this server becomes a sm server! all players make sm cose is easier to grow a sm...
Welcome radeoN and all player of your old server--enjoy our comunity and game
ok we sign in:o i w8 the event to have a lot of fun:cool: GL to allz:)
Noapte buna si din partea mea-ma duc la nani ca maine iarasi lucru --pfui:)
hi alz:)
Poi nu era greu sa te plictisesti:)
Salutare !!!-Acum ii scriam la Sephi pe alt thread ca mai bine da inapoi 3 saptamani sau chiar de la inceput , numai sa porneasca serverele--zic...
Yeah Sephi maybee is better to roll back 3 week or even a new start with a litle biger exp and drop-cose all of us wants to play--(my opinion-srry...
Asa cum ziceti low exp rules:) e disperant de greu sa cresti dar parca creste inima cand dai un rr greu de tot si gasesti cate un item:D noah...
Bleah:)---high exp e de cacao--asa ma duceam sa joc pe zhyper ca sa dau un rr la 10 min ca se poarta :D--mai bine astept aici!!!!
'naziua bre la totzi:))))
Yeah-but always will be some players like lopek who dnt care anything but himself--it makes me sick---bleahhhh:(
Separate names with a comma.