this is my last post for this day and im disapointed of the diplomacy of the moderators and how they asck that you be patient or ban .im glad i...
cool than what its the forum for if i cant say my opinion ? or if i report a problem or samthing i dont licke i get ban i cant find the rules...
yes im a paicent man but evry paicent has his limits
bozkurt are you gey?
i hope that entil tomorow or in a few years i can enter the game its the same staf evry day with server 1
im siting here for 20 minitus with my acount blocked becaus the server 1 its down i want to enter servar 2 but its conected cick my acount or...
you realy get board dont you ?
its samuan even reading this posts ?
and it says that my acount its loged in on servar 1 and servar 1 its crashed the name of it its spacash help me reenter servar 2
my acount its bloct on servar 1 with the name of spacash and i cant renter the game help me
my acount names is spacash and becaus of lag i gave alt +f4 and now i cant enter my acount becaus its sad that its loged in all becaus off lag
acount name ****** sry i didnt now Try to connect after 1 hour if you used alt+f4..if it is not working, write here you character name...Account...
To the game masters I would licke some help with my acount i triend to log in but it says that the acount its loggd in but i gave alt +f4...
a romanian player is swering me
Separate names with a comma.